Sophie Veldhuijzen van Zanten nominated for New Scientist Science Talent

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Sophie Veldhuijzen van Zanten

Sophie Veldhuijzen van Zanten is one of 15 contenders to be named Science Talent 2023 by New Scientist. She is a researcher and medical specialist in training at the Department of Radiology & Nuclear Medicine. Polls are now open.

Sophie has a globally unique profile: she is specialising in both (neuro)radiology and nuclear medicine. She also has her own line of research to improve diagnosis and treatment of patients with brain tumors. Specifically, she focuses on the theranostic principle, a new development in cancer treatment in which nuclear radiation is used to diagnose and treat cancer at the same time.

Sophie: 'This concept is still hardly used in clinical practice and not systematically studied in science for brain tumors, while in prostate cancer patients it already leads to unprecedentedly successful treatment and longer survival.'

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Digital ballot box

Voting for Sophie as New Scientist Science Talent 2023 can be done until 15 September via the New Scientist website. After the ballot box closes, an expert jury will consider the five candidates with the most votes. The jury will choose a top three and from that a winner. 

New Scientist crowns the greatest scientific talent in the Netherlands and Flanders for the seventh time during the Weekend van de Wetenschap in October. The New Scientist Science Talent 2023 will win a cash prize of €2500, a trophy and media attention. In addition, the winner will secure a podium spot at the Gala van de Wetenschap 2023.

More information

Vote for Sophie right here!

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