Dr. Kostas Skliamis

Rotterdam Maritime City


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Kostas Skliamis holds a PhD degree in Criminology from the Law Faculty of the University of Amsterdam. His background is in political science (BSc & MSc). His doctoral research focused on the impact of drug policy on stigmatization and normalization of cannabis use, and on the role of protest in cannabis normalization. During his PhD, he explored various aspects of social drug research such as cannabis markets, drug use settings, and self-regulation rules by conducting an innovative mixed-method study on cannabis festivals in four European countries and a quantitative study in the Dutch coffeeshops among participants from seven different nationalities. Alongside, he has conducted several other studies in the drug field, such as ‘social supply and home cannabis dealers’, ‘football ultras, identity, and drugs’, and ‘colonial opium policy in South-East Asia’. His passion for urban sociology brought him to UPT to explore topics of urban transition in the era of post-capitalism.

Skliamis K. & Chatzinakos, G. (2023). ‘It’s a magical weed’: Drug-themed chants in Greek football fandom. Sports in Society, 26(10), 1627-1646.

Skliamis K. (2023). Hanfparade 2022: Protest and views on cannabis legalization in Germany. Drugs, Habits, and Social Policy, 24(2), 77-90.

Skliamis, K (2023). Normalised drug use heterotopias in the 21st century. In J. Morgan, T. F. Søgaard, and A. Uhl (Eds.), Normalisation re-visited: Drugs in Europe in the 21st Century. (pp. 127-140). Pabst Publishers.

Skliamis, K. (2022). Cannabis, stigma, protest, and normalization. University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. ISBN: 978-94-6423-827-3

Skliamis, K. & Korf, D. J. (2022). How cannabis users obtain and purchase cannabis: A comparison of cannabis users from European countries with different cannabis policies. Substance Use & Misuse, 57(7), 1043-1051.

Skliamis, K. (2021). Cannabis users, cannabis festivals, and social acceptance of cannabis. In C. Chatwin, G. R., Potter & B. Werse (Eds.), Who? Variation and distinction in the European drugs landscape (pp. 109-126). Pabst Publishers.

Skliamis, K., Benschop, A., Liebregts, N., & Korf, D. J. (2021). Where, When and With Whom: Cannabis Use, Settings and Self-Regulation Rules. Contemporary Drug Problems, 48(3), 241-259.

Gonçalves, R., Kopp, P., Korf, D., Rossi, C., Ogrodnik, M., Canzonetti, A., Cirillo, D., de Marinis, F., Fabi, F., Lanzoni, F. M., Benschop, A., Liebregts, N., Skliamis, K., Lourenço, A. & Marreiros, H. (2021). Illicit drug policies and social outcomes: a cross-country analysis. Final report to ERANID.

Skliamis, K., Benschop, A., & Korf, D. J. (2020). Cannabis users and stigma: A comparison of users from European countries with different cannabis policies. European Journal of Criminology, 19(6), 1483–1500.

Skliamis, K., & Korf, D. J. (2019). Cannabis festivals and their attendees in four European cities with different national cannabis policies. International Journal of Event and Festival Management,10(2),138-154.

Skliamis, K., & Korf, D. J. (2018). An exploratory study of cannabis festivals and their attendees in two European cities: Amsterdam and Berlin. Journal of psychoactive drugs, 50(2),105-113.

Skliamis, K. (2016). Κάνναβη: Νομιμοποίηση και ρύθμιση [Cannabis: Legalization and Regulation]. Potamos Publisher. ISBN/ISSN: 978-960-545-066-3.

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