Inaugural lecture Dr. M.P. (Pilar) Garcia Gomez

Health and Socioeconomic Status: An Intimate and Enduring Relationship
Friday 31 May 2024, 16:00 - 17:00
Inaugural lecture
Spoken Language
Erasmus Building
Campus Woudestein
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Pilar Garcia Gomez smiling at the camera
Erasmus School of Economics

As of 1 September 2021, Dr Pilar Garcia-Gomez has been appointed Professor of Applied Economics with focus on Health and Labour at Erasmus School of Economics. The chair strengthens the school’s reputation in the discipline of health economics and fits in the university’s strategy to concentrate its research and education in the area of health and wealth.

Pilar’s main research interests are in the intersection between health and labour economics. She is an expert in the use of large datasets and econometric tools to investigate (i) the damping effect that a health worsening has on labour outcomes, such employment, (ii) how changes in employment influence health, and (iii) the role of policies, like disability insurance and labour market policies, in this two-way relationship. 

In the near future, she wants to expand this line of research and further investigate how these events and policies impact not only those affected, but also their families. She will concentrate on the impact of events early in life, like parental job loss, on children’s health and health and employment later in life. In her research, she likes to involve partners from other fields within and outside economics. These collaborations bring novel ways to tackle research questions. In addition, they facilitate sharing the results from research with some of the relevant stakeholders, and influence policy.

Professor Jan van Ours, Director of the Applied Economics department, congratulates Pilar García-Gómez: 'I have no doubt that the appointment of Pilar will strengthen the research and teaching at Erasmus School of Economics.'

About Pilar García-Gómez          
Since 2008 Pilar García-Gómez has worked in the Health Economics section, in the department of Applied Economics at Erasmus School of Economics, from 2015 onwards in the position of Associate Professor. She obtained her PhD in Economics from Universitat Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona. She is fellow of the Tinbergen Institute and fellow of NETSPAR, the network for studies on pensions, aging and retirement. In her role as Deputy Director of the Department of Applied Economics, Pilar contributes among other things to advance on the policies focused on the wellbeing of early-career researchers, and the transparency and communication of the school to facilitate an environment that guarantees equal opportunities for all the staff members.

With a focus on Health and Labour, Erasmus School of Economics will publicly accept her appointment on Friday, 31 May 2024 with an inaugural lecture entitled:

Health and Socioeconomic Status
An Intimate and Enduring Relationship

The ceremony will start promptly at 16:00 hrs in the Aula of the university (Erasmus building), Burgemeester Oudlaan 50 Rotterdam. The reception will take place in the same building afterwards.

The inaugural lecture can also be followed via a livestream.

More information

For more information, please contact Ronald de Groot, Media & Public Relations Officer at Erasmus School of Economics,, or +31 6 53 641 846.

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