
Alumni help each other out. Help the EUR student and alumni community find a job by sharing your vacancies.

We want to connect employers and job-seekers in the best possible way. By sharing job opportunities with your fellow alumni you can ensure applicants with a broad perspective and respective set of skills. It will help our students and alumni thrive in their career and find them the job they've been dreaming of.

By sharing job opportunities with your fellow alumni you can ensure applicants with a broad perspective and respective set of skills.

Why share vacancies?

It feels great to help out others, especially those who belong to the same alumni community as yourself. Moreover, it will help to provide your business with skilled applicants for the vacant position. You will get to work together with fellow-alumni, strengthening the bond with your Alma Mater.

Share a vacancy

Reach out to to share a vacancy. Please state your full name, position, company and leave your contact details (e-mail and phone number). We will be in touch with you shortly.

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