Full list of talks by EHERO staff

Presentations on happiness for other audiences than university students


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Talks on happiness by EHERO staff in 2018


  • Presentation Title: Subjective WellBeing Moderators in Times of Crisis. International Conference on Policies for happiness and health conference, Siena, Italy, March 2018


  • European Bussiness Ethics Network (EBEN) conference, Tilburg, June 28 (topic: virtuous leadership and employee flourishing)
  • International Society for Quality of Life Studies (ISQOLS) conference, Hong Kong, June 14 (topics: migrant happiness + virtuous leadership and employee flourishing)
  • Alumni network University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, June 20 (topic: migrant happiness)
  • Krimpenerwaard College, Krimpen a/d IJssel, June 7 (topic: adolescent happiness)
  • United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network, New York, March 20 (topic: migrant happiness)
  • Launch World Happiness Report, Vatican City, March 14 (topic: migrant happiness)
  • Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies (IHS), Rotterdam, January 10 – (topic: happiness and human mobility)



Academic presentations

  • 57th ERSA Congress “Social Progress for Resilient Regions”, Groningen, The Netherlands, 2017

Professional presentations

  • Geluk in Rotterdam, presented at the Rotterdam Kennisfestival, 26 March 2018, organized by the Municipality of Rotterdam, The Netherlands


  • 65th Annual North American Meetings of the Regional Science Association International, San Antonio, Texas, United States, 2018
  • Designing Happy Workplaces, Seoul, Korea, 2018
  • 16th ISQOLS Annual Conference on Promotion of Quality of Life in the Changing World, Hong Kong, 2018
  • International Conference on Policies for happiness and health, Siena, Italy, 2018


  • Gezond geluk

    Presentatie op stafdag Huisartsengeneeskunde, Universiteit Maastricht, 22 januari 2018,

    Klooster Wittem

  • Happiness Indicator: Tool for finding a way of life that fits you

    Presentation at Jherominus Academy of data sciences, Den Bosch, 6 Februari


  • Wetenschap van geluk

    Winterschool Gemeente Haarlem, 13 maart 2018  

  • Groter geluk voor een groter aantal: Is dat mogelijk en wenselijk?

     8e Rotterdamse Voorjaarslezingen. Quatuor Coronati ‘De Nieuwe Lantaarn’ De utopische samenleving, een onbereikbaar doel?

     14 maart 2018, Podium 0950,    Rotterdam

  • Greater Happiness: Possible and desirable?

     Presentation at symposium ‘Happiness on prescription’ Medical student association ‘Panacea’   

    Groningen, Netherlands, March 17th 2018

  • Meten van geluk in fysieke stadsomgeving

    Gemeente Rotterdam, lunchlezing 9 april 2018

  • Groter geluk voor een groter aantal: Is dat mogelijk en wenselijk?

    10 april 2018, Rotary, Rotterdam

  • Brede Welvaart

    Technisch briefing fracties 2e kamer over CBS rapport over meting 'Brede welvaart'

  • Beyond Happiness: Any better moral leads?

    Presentation at seminar ‘Beyond Happiness’ Moscow June 1-2, 2018, National Research University Higher School of Economics. International Laboratory of Positive Psychology of Personality and Motivation

  • Gezondheid en Geluk

    Voordracht Sociaal en Cultureel Plan Bureau, 12 Juni 2018, Den Haag

  • Groter geluk voor een groter aantal: is dat mogelijk en wenselijk?

    Presentatie op stafcongres West Fries Gasthuis / Waterlandziekenhuis, Ermerlo, 16 juni 2018

  • Groter geluk voor een groter aantal: Is dat mogelijk en wenselijk?

    Voordracht op NRC Zomer festival ‘Slim leven’. 7 juli 2018, Taets Art and Event Park, Amsterdam

  • Historical development of Quality of Life Research

    Presentation at XIX ISA World Congress of Sociology, RC 55 Social Indicators, Session Social Indicators and Quality of Life, Toronto Canada July 15-21 2018

  • Sturen op geluk in de publieke sector

    Voordracht voor bestuurders D66 in Metropool Regio Amsterdam, Raadhuis Halfweg, 29 augustus 2018

  • Ways to flourihing of individuals

    Webinar Optentia Research Program, North-West University South Africa, September 26,2018

  • Greater happiness: How can that be achieved?
    International conference on happiness, Talca University, Chile, October 2, 2018

  • Findings archive: Tool for research synthesis
    International conference on happiness, Talca University, Chile, October 2-5, 2018

  • De seksuele revolutie
    Lezing voor studentenvereniging Civitas Studiosorum in Fundamento Reformato, Groningen 11 oktober 2018

  • Findings Archive: Tool for research synthesis
    Conference on happiness, University of Yogyakarta, October 25-26 2018
  • Greater happiness for a greater number: Possible and desirable?
    Key note address at Second International Congress on Wellbeing, Singapore University of Social Sciences SUSS, November 1-2, 2018

  • Happiness
    Keynote presentation at 6th Annual Conference of Croatian Psychologists " Quality of Life across the Lifespan: Challenges and Recommendations"' Sveti Martin na Muri, Croatia, November 8, 2018

  • World Database of Happiness: A findings archive
    Voordracht op Thema sessie IT, Office USC IT services / IT development, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam, 15 november 2018

  • Groter geluk voor een groter aantal: Is dat mogelijk en wenselijk?
    Lezing bij afsluiting jubileum 2018 van Vereeniging Register Controllers VRC, Mereveld, Utrecht, 22 november 2018
  • Scale homogenization techniques: Lecture 1
    YouTube December 2018, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_oM4pQY9d5A



Talks on happiness by EHERO staff in 2017


  • Presentation Title: Beyond Shared Prosperity: Measuring Progress with Shared Wellbeing Using Subjective Data. 15th ISQOLS Annual Conference, Innsbruck, Austria, September 2017
  • Presentation Title: Beyond Shared Prosperity: Measuring Progress with Shared Well-being Using Subjective Data. Conference of the International Association for Research in Income and Wealth (IARIW), Seoul, South Korea, April 2017


    • Happiness and human mobility.
    • International Association for Research in Income and Wealth (IARIW) - Bank of Korea Conference, Seoul, April 28 (topic: migrant happiness)
    • EUR ‘A World To Win’ Conference, Rotterdam, March 23 (topic: migrant happiness)
    • Erasmus School of Accounting & Assurance ESAA), Rotterdam), April 13 (topic: happiness at work)
    • Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies (IHS), Rotterdam, January 10 – (topic: happiness and human mobility)
    • Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies (IHS), Rotterdam, January 9 – (topic: measurement of happiness)

    Guest lecture at International Housing Studies (IHS), Rotterdam, January 17, 2017


  • 64th Annual North American Meetings of the Regional Science Association International, Vancouver, BC, Canada, 2017
  • 57th ERSA Congress “Social Progress for Resilient Regions”, Groningen, The Netherlands, 2017
  • Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, Boston, MA United States, 2017



    • Happiness in cities
      Guest lecture International Housing Studies HIS, Rotterdam, January 9th 2017
    • Sturen op geluk in de publieke sector
      Gemeente Harlingen, 31 januari 2017
    • Sturen op geluk in de publieke sector
      Driessen ontbijt seminars, 2, 8 en 21 februari 2017 
    • Gezond geluk  Presentatie op MEDexperience, 7 april 2017, HES, Rotterdam

    • Groter geluk voor een groter aantal: is dat mogelijk en wenselijk?

      Voordracht op congres van de Nederlandse Beroepsvereniging voor Toegepaste Psychologie NBTP, 13 april 2017, Nijmegen

    • Greater Happiness for a greater number: How can that be achieved?

      Guest lecture National Cheng Kung University Hospital, Tainan, Taiwan, April 25, 2017

    • Greater Happiness for a greater number: How can that be achieved?

      Studentenvereniging Veritas, Eindhoven, 3 mei 2017

    • Suffering

      Student association Veritas Forum 15 mei Rotterdam

    • Geluk

      Interview met Jurgen Rayman op Libelle Zomerweek, 20 mei 2017

    • Geluk op leeftijd

      Symposium Gezonder oud worden II. Springer Healthcare, Hotel Houten, 20 juni 2017

    • Raising Happiness by raising awareness of how happy you feel

      Invited address at 5th World congress of Positive Psychology, Montreal, Canada, July 13-16 2017

    • Geluk en geld

      ESAA symposium: Maakt geld gelukkig? Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam1 september 2017

    • Meten van geluk in gebouwde omgeving

      Presentatie op NRW jaarcongres 7 september 2017, Amsterdam

    • Groter geluk voor een groter aantal: is dat mogelijk en wenselijk?

      Wetenschapscafé Bibliotheek ‘s Hertogenbosch,10 oktober 2017

    • Sturen op geluk in lokaal beleid

      Presentatie op congres ‘Lokaal sturen op geluk’ 5 oktober 2017, Schagen

    • Wetenschap van geluk

      Incentro Advanced Professional Academy, Utrecht, 12 oktober 2017

    • Scale homogeneization techniques

      Webinar Friday Oktober 27th, 14-17 hrs. CET, Erasmus university Rotterdam

    • Groter geluk voor een groter aantal: Wat draagt onderwijs daaraan bij? Hoe kan het beter?

      OinO Congres, Geluk van de toekomst, Bussum, Het Spant, 9 november 2017

    • Wetenschap van geluk

      Lustrumbijeenkomst Multicultureel Netwerk Rijksambtenaren, Den Haag BZA, 9 november 2017

    • Informed pursuit of happiness

      Scholingsbijeenkomst VWO docenten Economie, 16 November 2017, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam

    • Meten van geluk

      Atrium Grandcafé, Gorinchem, 21 november 2017

    • Delphi studies on happiness

      Presentation at 3rd Ruut Veenhoven Award Ceremony, November 28, 2017, Rotterdam

    • Commentaar op documentaire 'The Swedish theory of love'

      filmhuis Chassé Cinema in Breda, 13 december 2017


    Talks on happiness by EHERO staff in 2016 



    • Happiness and human mobility.

    Guest lecture International Housing Studies IHS, Rotterdam, January 19, 2016

    • Geluk en beloning.

    Guest lecture Hogeschool Rotterdam, The Netherlands, Februari 4, 2016.

    • The comparability of differently worded subjective well-being measures.

    HEIRS Conference, Happiness Economics and Interpersonal Relations (HEIRS), Rome, Italy, March 16, 2016.      

    • Migration and happiness.

    EHERO seminar series, Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands, May 27, 2016.

    • The comparability of differently worded subjective well-being measures.

    International Sociological Association conference, Vienna, Austria, July 12, 2016.

    • What can subjective well-being indicators contribute to advancing the study of international migration? 
      International Sociological Association conference, Vienna, Austria, July 13, 2016.
    • What can subjective well-being indicators contribute to advancing the study of international migration? 
      International Society for Quality of Life Studies (ISQOLS) conference, Seoul, South Korea, August 20, 2016.
    • The comparability of differently worded subjective well-being measures.

    Guest lecture at Erasmus University College, Rotterdam, December 5, 2016.


    • Universele voorwaarden voor geluk
      Webinar, Schouten & Nelissen, 16 januari 2016
    • Gast in talkshow ’Rotterdam viert de stad’ over boek Rob Wentholt
      75 jaar wederopbouw Rotterdam, Stadstimmerhuis, 21 januari 2016
    • Concept of happiness
      ‘Spark’ workshop on ‘Measuring happiness from the perspective of older EU citizens’, Leiden The Netherlands, January 29 2016
    • World Database of Happiness: Developments in the technique of assembling research findings
      Presentation at HEIRS conference, Rome, March 15, 2016
    • Ongelijkheid en geluk
      EHERO-leergang ‘Sturen op Geluk’ Rotterdam, 22 maart 2016
    • Gast in talkshow ‘Rendement van geluk’
      VPRO Tegenlicht Meet-up naar aanleiding van tv-uitzending, Utrecht, 4 april 2016
    • Overheid en geluk
      EHERO-leergang ‘Sturen op Geluk’, Rotterdam, 5 april 2016
    • Greater happiness for a greater number? Is that possible?
      G200 Youth Forum, Garmisch-Partenkirchen Germany, April 7th 2016
    • Gast in talkshow over Geluk
      Kenniscafe, De Balie Amsterdam, 8 april 2016
    • Coachen op geluk
      Presentatie voor Van Ede & Partners, Den Dolder, 14 april 2016
    • Groter geluk voor een groter aantal: Is dat mogelijk en wenselijk?
      Studentenvereniging S.S.R.-N.U. Utrecht, 21 april 2016
    • Informed pursuit of happiness
      Presentation at Lisbon Tech University, Social and Political Science Institute ISCSP, Lisbon Portugal, April 30, 2016,
    • Cross-cultural comparability of happiness
      Conference ‘Cross Cultural Understanding of Well-being’, Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences, Yogyakarta State University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, May 12 2016
    • Wetenschap van geluk
      Leiderschapslunch, Rijnstate ziekenhuis, Arnhem, 17 mei 2016
    • Wat doet geluk?
      ESAA Leergang ‘Brein in de boardroom’, Villa Augustus, Dordrecht, 20 mei 2016
    • Sturen op geluk
      Schouten & Nelissen, Zaltbommel, 24 mei 2016
    • Coachen op geluk
      Dag van de Coach Ede, De Reehorst, 2 juni 2016
    • The sexual revolution
      Presentation at master class on Sex, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Erasmus Graduate School of Social Sciences and the Humanities, June 2 2016
    • The sociology of happiness: Guide to a more livable society
      3rd ISA forum of Sociology, Common session 1b ‘The futures we want: Global sociology and the struggles for a better world’, Vienna, Austria July 11, 2016
    • The livability of modernity
      3rd ISA Forum, Vienna, Austria, Track RC 55 Social Indicators, Session Wellbeing research and indicators in global and comparative perspective, July 10-14 2016
    • Kan Nederland gelukkiger?
      Café Averechts ‘Gelukscafé’ Utrecht, 31 augustus 2016
    • Intro gelukswetenschap
      UWV Amsterdam, ambtsjubileum Rob Moll, 9 september 2016
    • Zorg voor geluk
      VGZ, Arnhem 12 september 2016
    • Health by Happiness
      International Conference ‘An Integrative Approach of Medically Unexplainable Physical Symptoms (MUPS)’, Nederlandse Vereniging voor Osteopathie (NVO), 16 September 2016, Utrecht, Netherlands 
    • Groter geluk voor een groter aantal: Is dat mogelijk en wenselijk?
      Rotary Den Haag, Mauritshuis, 23 september 2016
    • Cultuur maakt gelukkig
      Leiderschap in cultuur (LinC), Zina Platform, Amsterdam, 31 oktober 2016
    • Health by happiness
      Keynote at international conference ‘Games For Health Europe 2016’ Utrecht, Netherlands, November 1st 2016
    • Wetenschap van geluk
      Incentro Advanced Professional Academy, Utrecht 2 november 2016
    • What ‘happiness’?
      Course ‘Wellbeing of seniors’, EIT Health, Leiden, The Netherlands, November 7, 2016
    • Geluk en ontwikkeling
      Simavi ‘Day for change’, Vogelenzang 10 november 2016
    • Sturen op geluk
      Najaarscongres ‘Persoonlijk leiderschap’ Nederlandse Vereniging Voor Psychiatrie NVVP, Utrecht, 10 november 2016
    • Wetenschap van geluk
      Themabijeenkomst ‘Geluk’ ter gelegenheid van 25 jaar ambtsjubileum Bart RijkeStadhuis Zaandam, 16 november 2016
    • Developments in Happiness Research: A bibliometric analysis
      Lecture at presentation of the yearly Ruut Veenhoven Award to Louis Tay, November 22, 2016, Rotterdam, Netherlands
    • Groter geluk voor een groter aantal: Is dat mogelijk en wenselijk?
      Honours college ESSB Universiteit Leiden, 25 november 2016 Rotterdam 
    • Wetenschap van geluk
      Vereniging Directeuren van Waterschappen (VDW), Houten, 9 december 2016
    • Groter geluk voor een groter aantal: Wat draagt onderwijs daaraan bij? Hoe kan het beter?
      EHERO Masterclass Onderwijs en Geluk, Amersfoort 13 december 2016
    • Hoop en geluk
      EHERO-masterclass, ‘Hoop: Drijfveer van geluk’, Rotterdam 14 december 2016


    Talks on happiness by EHERO staff in 2015 


    • Macro-conditions and immigrants' happiness: Is moving to a wealthy country all that


    3CI PhD Winter School, Research group Citizenship, Migration and the City (CIMIC), Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands, January 14, 2015.

    • The Migration Happiness Atlas.

    Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA), Bonn, Germany, January 18, 2015.

    • The comparability of differently worded subjective well-being measures.

    The Quality of Life Conference 2015, International Society for Quality of Life Studies (ISQOLS), Phoenix, AZ, October 17, 2015.

    • Blessed but mostly cursed: The happiness advantages and disadvantages of immigrants. The Quality of Life Conference 2015, International Society for Quality of Life Studies (ISQOLS), Phoenix, AZ, October 17, 2015.
    • The Migration Happiness Atlas.

    The Quality of Life Conference 2015, International Society for Quality of Life Studies (ISQOLS), Phoenix, AZ, October 17, 2015.


    • Effects of DRM on happiness: Results of a large-scale follow-up in The Netherlands
      Presentation at conference on ‘Developments on the Day Reconstruction Method’, University of Southern California, Los Angeles USA, January 8-9 2015
    • Kan Nederland gelukkiger?
      Junior Chamber International (JCI) ’t Sticht, CvA 2015 't Middelpunt, Utrecht, January 17th, 2015
    • Geluk in de stad
      Stichting ‘De Verre Bergen’, Brasserie Excelsior, 21 januari, 2015
    • Geluk in landen
      EHERO Masterclass, Dordrecht, 21 januari 2015
    • Geluk en de menselijke maat
      MVO-masterclass ‘Human Scale’, Alliander, Arnhem, 28 januari 2015
    • Greater happiness for a greater number: What governments can do
      Winter school ‘Quality of Life, Well-being and Social Relationships’, Workshop ‘Civil Economy and Public Happiness’, Tuscany, Italy, January 31 2015
    • Toekomst van het geluk
      EHERO-masterclass, Villa Augustus, Dordrecht, 11 februari 2015
    • Gast in talkshow over geluk
      Ter Gooi, 10 maart 2015
    • Greater Happiness for a greater number: Is that possible? If so, how?
      Psychology Public Lecture, University of Johannesburg, Faculty of Humanities, March 4, 2015
    • Why are the Danes happier than the Dutch? Determinants of happiness in nations
      Presentation at academic program in the context of state visit ‘A socially coherent society: Prospects for societal development in Denmark and The Netherlands’, Aalborg University, Copenhagen Denmark, March 17th 2015
    • Kan Nederland gelukkiger?
      College ter gelegenheid van Wereld Geluksdag 2015, aankondiging EHERO-leergang ‘Sturen op geluk’. Nederland per ongeluk gelukkig? Perscentrum Nieuwspoort, Den Haag 20 maart 2015
    • Geluk in bedrijf
      O&O congres ‘De sleutel naar een productieve werknemer’ De Landgoederij Bunnik, 26 maart 2015
    • Love and happiness: A review of research
      Research seminar on Happiness, Erasmus university Rotterdam, March 2015
    • How we assess how happy we are? Three mental theories
      Lecture in course Master of Applied Positive Psychology (MAPP), Lisbon Tech University, Social and Political Science Institute ISCSP, March 2015
    • Geluk
      Junior Chamber International (JCI), Woerden, 13 april 2015
    • Greater Happiness for a greater number: Is that possible? If so, how?
      University of Kent, April 14, 2015
    • Gast in talkshow bij boek Maike vande Boom ‘Zum Glueck gib’s Werte’
      Cologne, Germany, 28 april 2015
    • Greater Happiness for a greater number: How can that be achieved?
      International congress ‘Otro Mundo’ (Other World), Colegiatura Columbiana, Medelin, Colombia, May 7th 2015
    • Greater happiness for a greater numberDid the promise of Enlightenment come true?
      Presentation at European launch of the ‘World Happiness Report 2015’ Erasmus University Rotterdam, May 18th 2015 
    • Greater Happiness for a greater numberHow can that be achieved?
      Research school University Campus Friesland, Summer school 2015, Leeuwarden, Fries Museum, June 9th, 2015
    • New tools for research synthesis
      Happiness research seminar, Erasmus Happiness Economics Research Organization EHERO, Rotterdam, September 25th 2015
    • Geluk in de stad
      Mini-symposium ‘Op zoek naar de gelukkige wijk’, Stichting Ons, NH-hotel, Loosduinen, 29 september, 2015
    • Informed pursuit of happiness
      Jubileumsymposium 15 NIP, sectie Neuropsychologie ‘Een kwestie van geluk’, Doorn, 2 oktober 2015
    • Wetenschap van geluk
      Alfrink college 6 VWO, Zoetermeer, 14 oktober 2015
    • Kan Nederland gelukkiger?
      Rotary Zwijndrecht, 19 oktober 2015
    • Kweken van geluk
      Hortigala, Hillenraad, Rotterdam, 30 oktober 2015
    • Werken aan geluk
      Congres Geluk WerkT, Regio Academie Oost, Provinciehuis, Zwolle, 12 november 2015
    • Wetenschap van geluk i.h.b. Happiness Economics
      ISAM Kennis event 2015 Rotterdam, 20 november 2015
    • Happiness Research: Past and Future
      Presentation at Ruut Veenhoven Award Ceremony, Erasmus University Rotterdam, November 22, 2015 
    • Brede welvaart en geluk
      presentatie voor 2e kamer commissie, Den Haag, 4 december 2015


    Talks on happiness by EHERO staff in 2014 


    • Why are locals happier than internal migrants? The role of daily life.

    EHERO seminar series, Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands, April 25, 2014.

    • Why are locals happier than internal migrants? The role of daily life.
      Making the Most of Migration Conference, KU Leuven, Brussels, Belgium, May 23, 2014.
    • Why are locals happier than internal migrants? The role of daily life.

    Higher Education for Elderly Organisation (HOVO), Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands, July 10, 2014.

    • Why are locals happier than internal migrants? The role of daily life.       

    The Quality of Life Conference 2014, International Society for Quality of Life Studies (ISQOLS), Berlin, Germany, September 18, 2014.

    • Macro-conditions and immigrants' happiness: Is moving to a wealthy country all that matters? 
      Workshop Development Economics and Happiness Economics, Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands, November 5, 2014.
    • Geluk en beloning

    Presentatie Nationaal beloningsonderzoek 2014, Human Capital Group, Nieuwegein, The Netherlands, November 17, 2014.


    • Coaching naar groter geluk voor een groter aantal
      Nederlandse Orde van Beroepscoaches (NOBCO), Amersfoort, 16 januari 2014
    • Consumptie en geluk
      Winter College, ESAA Erasmus Executive Programs, 22 januari 2014
    • Kan België gelukkiger?
      Groen Plus, Brussel 11 februari 2014
    • Gast in talkshow over Geluk
      Debat serie ‘Wat is wijsheid’, De Nieuwe Liefde’ Amsterdam, 5 maart 2014
    • Informed pursuit of happiness: What we should know, do know and can get to know
      Key note address at the II Spanish National Conference on Positive Psychology
      Sociedad Española de Psicologia Positiva, Osopese del Mar, Spain
      8-9 May, 2014
    • Groter geluk voor een groter aantal: Kan dat? Moet dat?
      Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam, Studium Generale ‘Met het oog op de samenleving’
      13 maart 2014
    • Greater Happiness for a greater number: How can that be achieved?
      Iceland University, Rykjavik, Iceland, March 20, 2014
    • The measurement of satisfaction
      Booking.com seminar on ‘Satisfaction maximisation algorithm’April 4, 2014, Amsterdam
    • Evidence based pursuit of happiness
      TEDx Talk Utrecht, April 14tht 2014
    • Gelukkiger met Europa
      D66, Woerden. 14 mei 2014
    • Stress and happiness
      Biomedisch Interfacultair Congres (BIC) Universiteit Utrecht 14 juni 2014
    • Weten we wel wat ons gelukkig maakt?
      Geluksparade, Zeist, 21 juni 2014
    • Happiness can be planned
      International forum on happiness in Beijing, China, June 28/29 2014
    • Did we get any happier? 
      Presentation European Conference on Positive Psychology, Session ‘Society and Happiness’, Amsterdam, Netherlands, July 1-4, 2014
    • Greater happiness for a greater number: Is that possible and desirable?
      Global Aging Center, Tsubuka University, Tokyo Japan, July 22, 2014
    • The Happiness Indicator: Combination of a self-help website and a follow-up study
      Presentation at 28th EHPs Conference ‘Beyond prevention and intervention: Increasing Well-Being’, Innsbruck, Austria, August 26-30, 2014
    • Health by happiness
      Keynote at 28th EHPs Conference ‘Beyond prevention and intervention: Increasing Well-Being’ Innsbruck, Austria, August 26-30, 2014
    • Huwelijk en Geluk
      vFAS congres ‘Het huwelijk van de toekomst’, Den Haag, 11 september 2014
    • Wetenschap van geluk
      Directie college, Academie voor leiderschap, Amersfoort, 6 oktober 2014
    • Wat we weten over geluk
      Incentro, Hilversum 15 oktober 2014
    • Humans flourish in contemporary society
      5th International conference on ‘The social pathologies of contemporary civilization’, Erasmus University Rotterdam, October 30-31, 2014
    • Greater happiness for a greater numberDid the promise of Enlightenment come true?
      Science and Cocktails, Copenhagen, Denmark, November 1st 2014
    • Groter geluk voor een groter aantal: Rol van het recht
      Colloquium ‘Recht en Geluk’, KU Leuven, Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid, Campus Brussel, 7 november 2014
    • Happiness in modern achievement society
      CoBSS conference of Behavioral and Social Sciences, VIP Studievereniging Psychologie, Groningen, 27 november 2014
    • Sturen op geluk: kan dat? Moet dat?

    Avicenna Academie voor Leiderschap, Amersfoort, najaar 2014


    Talks on happiness by EHERO staff in 2013


    • Kan Nederland gelukkiger?
      Rotary Maartensdijk, 28 januari 2013
    • Greater Happiness for a greater numberIs that possible? If so, how?
      Honours Program, Leyden University, Netherlands, March 6, 2013
    • Onderzoek over geluk
      EHERO-Masterclass ‘Geluk in bedrijf’, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam, 9 april 2013
    • Succesful life = Happy life?
      Presentation at EFR Business Week, Conference day, April 10, 2013, Rotterdam
    • Sturen op Geluk: Geluk als prestatie indicator
      Expertisecentrum voor Jeugd Samenleving en Ontwikkeling JSO 28 mei 2013 Gouda
    • Greater happiness for a greater number: Did the promise of Enlightenment come true?
      International conference on ‘Public Happiness’, St Thomas Aquinas University, Rome, Italy, June 4-5 2013
    • Geld maakt wel degelijk gelukkig. Wat betekent dat voor het milieubeleid?
      Borrel pensant ‘Duurzaam geluk’, VVM Utrecht, 26 juni, 2013
    • Did civilization add to the quality of human life?
      Engelsberg seminar on ‘Civilization’, Avesta Manor, Sweden, June 13-15 2013
    • Greater happiness for a greater number: Did the promise of Enlightenment come true?
      International conference on ‘Long-term Trends in Quality of Life’ ISA RC 55, The Hague, Netherlands, September 12-13 2013 
    • Pursuit of Happiness
      EUR, BV2013, 27 September 2013
    • Advances in happiness researchWhat we should know, do know and can get to know
      Lecture at 28th IDEC Asia seminar, University of Hiroshima, Japan, October 7, 2013
    • Happiness and public policy
      International seminar on ‘Happiness and urban transport policies’, University of Tokyo, Japan, October 9 2013
    • Roots of happiness research
      Keynote speech at congress ‘Advances in Happiness Economics’, Erasmus University Rotterdam, October 28 2013
    • Kwaliteit van leven en Geluk
      Studiedag Fontys Academy for Creative Industries, International Lifestyle Studies, 2 Kloosterhotel ZIN, Vught, december 2013,
    • Greater Happiness for a greater number: Is that possible? If so, how?
      Centennial Masterclass Happiness Economics, Rotterdam, December 6, 2013


    Talks on happiness by EHERO staff in 2012 


    • Wat we weten over geluk
      Rotary Bergen op Zoom, 11 januari 2012
    • Kan Nederland Gelukkiger?
      Kroegcollege sociologie, 16 januari 2012
    • Geluk en vrijwilligerswerk
      Conferentie Ouderenbonden Zuid-Holland, Hogeschool Rotterdam (HRO) 18 januari 2012
    • Kan Nederland Gelukkiger?
      Reünisten RSG, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam, 21 januari 2012
    • Greater Happiness for a greater number: How can that be achieved?
      Bremen International Graduate School for Social Sciences, BIGSSS lecture, Jacobs University Bremen, Germany, January 24, 2012
    • Kan Nederland Gelukkiger?
      Senioren VU, 7 februari 2012
    • Kan Nederland gelukkiger?
      Vrouwen-sociëteit EEVA, Apeldoorn, 6 maart 2012
    • Greater Happiness for a greater number: How can that be achieved?
      Sovako Winter School, Kuopio University Finland, March 28, 2012
    • Greater happiness for a greater number: How can that be achieved?
      Clinic & Policlinic for Psychiatry & Psychotherapy, University of Würzburg, Germany 13 April 2012
    • Gast bij talkshow over Geluk
      Wijsgerig festival DRIFT 2012, Amsterdam, 14 april 2012
    • Kan Nederland Gelukkiger?
      Lokale partij ‘Op Koers’ Hardenberg, 16 april 2012
    • Groter geluk in Nederland: Wat kan de overheid daaraan doen?
      Lunchlezing Ministerie Binnenland en Koninkrijk Zaken (BZK),17 april 2012, Den Haag
    • Sturen op geluk
      Presentatie boek ‘Sturen op geluk’, Denkcafé Arminius, Rotterdam, 23 mei 2012 
    • Is geluk maakbaar?
      Studium Generale Universiteit Gent, Jaarthema: ‘Geluk: Drang of Dwang?’Gent,17 april 2012
    • Waar leef je gelukkig?
      Shell Buren Ontbijt, 16 mei 2012 Rotterdam 
    • Kan Nederland Gelukkiger?
      Presentation in course ‘Young Leadership’, AOG School of Management12 juni 2012
    • Op feiten gebaseerd streven naar geluk
      Symposium ‘Doorbraken in geluksdenken: Kosten, baten en impact meting’ Erasmus Happiness Economics Research Organization (EHERO), Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam, 22 juni 2012
    • Kan Nederland Gelukkiger?
      Rotary Haarzuilens, 23 juni 2012
    • Hedonic approach in positive psychology
      International Congress of Psychology, Cape Town, South Africa, July 26th 2012
    • World Database of Happiness
      International Congress of Psychology, Cape Town, South Africa, July 26th 2012
    • Evidence based pursuit of happiness
      Prestige lecture, Opentia Research Program, July 11, 2012
    • Sturen op geluk: Kan dat?
      Inspiratiemiddag Enexis, Dwingeloo 7 september 2012
    • Was geluk vroeger gewoner?
      Discovery Festival, 27 september 2012, Rotterdam
    • Kan Nederland gelukkiger? En wat kunnen kultuhusen daaraan bijdragen?
      Masterclass Kultuurhus Akademie, 28 september 2012, Lemelerveld
    • Research on happiness
      Presentation at disputas on thesis ‘Living happily: Exploring the role of relationships, having a child and life stressors on stability and change in life satisfaction’ by Gunvor Marie Dyrdal, University of Oslo, Norway, October 25, 2012
    • Economic growth and happiness in nations: Demise of the Easterlin Paradox
      11th conference International Society for Quality of Life Studies (ISQOLS), November 1-4 2012, Venice, Italy, Track 57 ‘Cross National Comparison of Happiness’
    • Happiness in nations
      11th conference International Society for Quality of Life Studies (ISQOLS), November 1-4 2012, Venice, Italy 
    • Welzijn en Geluk: Focus op vrijheid en gebondenheid
      Conferentie ‘Binding en Geluk’, CBS Heerlen, 5 november 2012
    • Greater happiness for a greater number: Is that possible? If so, how?
      Hoger Onderwijs voor Ouderen (HOVO), Grundtvig seminar, Erasmus University Rotterdam, November 9 2012
    • Maakt groen gelukkig?
      ‘Grote Groene Winst congres, Global Entrepreneurship” Week Rotterdam. Hogere Economische Hogeschool (HES), Rotterdam 13 november 2012
    • Vitaal geluk
      Leyden Academy of Vitality and Ageing, 2e lezing in serie Masters of Vitality, 12 december 2012, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam

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