Kristina Bogner

Picture of Kristina Bogner
Kristina conducts research on key building blocks of the DIT platform, for example on transformative research at the EUR and on DIT as an institutional experiment for change.

Kristina Bogner

Guest researcher

Kristina Bogner is a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Hohenheim, Germany, and the Hohenheim Innovation Greenhouse. She is enthusiastic about fostering transitions towards sustainability, which is why she currently works as a guest researcher at the Dutch Research Institute For Transitions (DRIFT) at Erasmus University Rotterdam. Kristina is especially interested in how knowledge, education and innovation can make a positive change in the world, so she investigates how higher education intuitions must transform their research, education and impact for a just and sustainable future.

With DIT, Kristina is taking care of the Reflexive Monitoring in Action, an enterprise for monitoring system innovation projects that encourages the reflexivity of the project and its ability to interact with and affect its environment. She also conducts research on key building blocks of the platform, e.g., on transformative research at DIT and EUR and on DIT as an institutional experiment for change.

Kristina enjoys doing things not only in her work life but also in her private life. This is why she is always busy with activities with her family and friends, especially outdoor activities in the forest, visiting museums and trying to remember the names of important dinosaurs with her son, as well as cooking, the art of origami, and searching for the best vegan cheese.

Please feel free to contact Kristina via email or LinkedIn.

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