I joined ESHPM in 2018, as an Academic Researcher. Beforehand, I completed a Master and PhD in Economics at the Paris School of Economics. My background is in Applied Economics, with a strong interest in Public Economics and Health Economics.
In my current research, I investigate into the impact of long-term care (LTC) policies on the receipt of LTC services as well as on informal care. Do LTC policies ensure that individuals have an equitable access to LTC services, irrespective of their socio-economic status? How do co-payments impact the use of care and out-of-pocket payments? Can informal care receipt delays a nursing home entry? And what are the interactions between retirement policies and LTC policies?
Additionally, I have worked on topics such as adverse selection on the private LTC insurance market, the role of population ageing in the rise of health care expenditures but also the incidence of social security contributions on wages.
I am currently involved in teaching in the HEPL Master programme of ESHPM (Economics of Health & Health Care course and thesis supervision).
Erasmus School of Health Policy & Management
- Room
- T18-26
- Location
- Burg. Oudlaan 50, Rotterdam
More information
- Quitterie Roquebert & Marianne Tenand (2024) - Informal care at old age at home and in nursing homes: determinants and economic value - European Journal of Health Economics, 25 (3), 497-511 - doi: 10.1007/s10198-023-01601-x - [link]
- Marianne Tenand, Pieter Bakx & Bram Wouterse (2024) - Out-of-pocket payments for nursing home residents: Balancing financial protection with incentives for efficient use
- Julien Bergeot & Marianne Tenand (2023) - Does informal care delay nursing home entry? Evidence from Dutch linked survey and administrative data - Journal of Health Economics, 92 - doi: 10.1016/j.jhealeco.2023.102831 - [link]
- Marianne Tenand, A (Arjen) Hussem & Pieter Bakx (2021) - Encourager le maintien à domicile par des financements alternatifs: le cas néerlandais - Gerontologie et Societe, 43 (165), 287-304 - doi: 10.3917/gs1.165.0287
- Judith Bom, Bram Wouterse, Pieter Bakx & Marianne Tenand (2020) - Grote verschillen in eigen bijdrage aan ouderenzorg - Geron : tijdschrift over ouder worden en samenleving, 22 (4) - [link]
- Marianne Tenand (2020) - Les politiques de la dépendance analysées à travers le prisme de l’économie de la santé : une comparaison France – Pays-Bas - Vie et sciences de l'enterprise, (209), 76-96 - doi: 10.3917/vse.209.0076 - [link]
- Arjen Hussem, Pieter Bakx & Marianne Tenand (2020) - Publieke middelen voor particuliere ouderenzorg - [link]
- Marianne Tenand, Pieter Bakx & Eddy van Doorslaer (2020) - Equal long-term care for equal needs with universal and comprehensive coverage? An assessment using Dutch administrative data - Health Economics, 29 (4), 435-451 - doi: 10.1002/hec.3994 - [link]
- Pieter Bakx, Judith Bom, Marianne Tenand & Bram Wouterse (2020) - Eigen bijdrage aan ouderenzorg - [link]
- Marianne Tenand, Pieter Bakx & Eddy van Doorslaer (2020) - Eligibility or use? Disentangling the sources of horizontal inequity in home care receipt in the Netherlands - Health Economics, 29 (10), 1161-1179 - doi: 10.1002/hec.4126 - [link]
Economics of Health and Health Care
- Year Level
- master, master, master, master