The history of Rotterdam along the migration skyline

Boek launch ‘De Echte Rotterdammer komt van buiten. Rotterdam migratiestad 1600-2022’ by Paul van de Laar and Peter Scholten
Peter Scholten en Paul van de Laar in Studio Erasmus
Iris van den Broek

In 2022, it was 50 years ago that Rotterdam made international headlines for the riots in the Afrikaanderwijk. A good moment to make Rotterdammers aware of how migration shapes and has shaped the city.In the book ‘De echte Rotterdammer komt van buiten’, Paul van de Laar and Peter Scholten guide the reader through the history of Rotterdam as a city of migration, from 1600 to the present, by telling stories of Rotterdammers and buildings, the migration skyline. 

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