Critical materials, green energy and geopolitics: a complex mix

Ronald Huisman

Associate Professor Ronald Huisman of Erasmus School of Economics is one of the seven authors from the Leiden-Delft-Erasmus Universities, who contributed to the whitepaper ‘Critical materials, green energy and geopolitics: a complex mix’, offering science-based knowledge and strategies for achieving these aims.

The Green Deal, formulated by the European Union, comprises climate targets that are as ambitious as they are all-important. It aims to reduce net emissions of greenhouse gasses to zero by 2050, without depleting resources and leaving no person or region behind.

Energy transition as a switch from fossil fuels to metals

The paper describes the energy transition as a switch from fossil fuels to metals such as iron, copper, lithium and rare earth metals. These metals are needed for producing the required wind turbines, solar panels, electrolysers and batteries, making them critical materials for achieving the energy transition.

Currently, the Netherlands and the EU must import the bulk of these materials, making us dependent on other countries.

Universitair Hoofddocent
Meer informatie

Ronald Huisman, whose research fields are energy finance and financial markets, has recently been interviewed on this subject.

For more information, please contact Media & Public Relations Officer at Erasmus School of Economics, Ronald de Groot:, mobile: +31 6 53 641 846.

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