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Nanobiology is a new field of research that borders between physics, nanophyiscs, biology and medical research. The programme teaches the fundamental knowledge and skills needed to describe and study the complexity of living systems. It uses the language of mathematics within the context of physics to understand the complexity of biology. Develop methods and techniques to identify heart failure before it leads to diseases, or develop a microscope that helps analyse vital molecules in living cells.

Key Facts & Figures

Mode of study
Instruction language
3 years
Study points (EC)
Start date
Application Deadline (EEA)
15 January
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The study programme in a nutshell

The aim is for students to foster cross-disciplinary thinking as standard and bridge scientific fields with ease. In addition to the integrated theoretical modules, students are introduced to advanced practical skills in laboratory experimentation, information technology, programming and research methods.

Why this study

Programme in numbers

Student satisfaction Students rate this study programme 3.9 stars.
Number of firstyears The number of students in the first year.
Transfer to second year Within this study programme
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Career opportunities after graduation

You have learned how to analyze complex situations in biological systems and have the quantitative tools to understand them. You have learned skills that you can apply in Nanobiology research like biomedicine, synthetic biology, optics, biotechnology, etc. either in academia, medical institutions or within industry.

This could be your future

What do our students think?

Anouk Dutrée

Anouk Dutrée - Bachelor Nanobiology alumnus

“In studying I was not only exposed to many different disciplines, but also to a community of very interesting people. The programme is small and that creates a family feeling which I have cherished for the past 4 years. Through the study association this family bond with the other students grew even stronger and I have found great friends within the programme. The combination of a very interesting field and great people made Nanobiology a perfect fit for my Bachelor.”
“In studying I was not only exposed to many different disciplines, but also to a community of very interesting people. The programme is small and that creates a family feeling which I have cherished for the past 4 years. Through the study association this family bond with the other students grew even stronger and I have found great friends within the programme. The combination of a very interesting field and great people made Nanobiology a perfect fit for my Bachelor.”

Jasper van der Rijst

Jasper van der Rijst - Student Nanobiology

“The programme combines physics and biology. Specific modules range from theoretical mathematics and physics to fundamental biology. Furthermore, there are many which combine these various branches of science. They provide you with completely different view of those subjects, which is also challenging. But the satisfaction you feel after completing them is immense. If I had to choose all over again, I would still definitely opt for Nanobiology.”
“The programme combines physics and biology. Specific modules range from theoretical mathematics and physics to fundamental biology. Furthermore, there are many which combine these various branches of science. They provide you with completely different view of those subjects, which is also challenging. But the satisfaction you feel after completing them is immense. If I had to choose all over again, I would still definitely opt for Nanobiology.”

Lucienne van der Geest

Lucienne van der Geest - Student Nanobiology

'Nanobiology is a very broad programme not only combining mathematics with physics and biology, but it also leaves some room to explore programming and chemistry. You learn to analyse scientific articles, preparing you for a future in science! Presenting and working in the laboratory also make up a major part of the programme.'
'Nanobiology is a very broad programme not only combining mathematics with physics and biology, but it also leaves some room to explore programming and chemistry. You learn to analyse scientific articles, preparing you for a future in science! Presenting and working in the laboratory also make up a major part of the programme.'

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