Maps and directions

Erasmus MC is located in the center of the city of Rotterdam and is easy to reach on your bike, on foot, by car or by using public transport. Erasmus MC students can also use all facilities at Erasmus University's main campus Woudestein. In addition, Nanobiology and Clinical Technology students study in Delft and Leiden, too. For this reason, we have added useful maps, often with directions, of all three universities and campus locations.

On this page you can find  maps of specific spots at Erasmus MC. This map is mostly relevant to students. A more detailed map of the Education Center can be found here (© Ernst de Jonge Visuele Communicatie).

All other Erasmus University schools (except ISS) are located on Campus Woudestein. Please click here for more information and a map.

Nanobiology and Clinical Technology students can find further information about the Delft campus here.

Clinical Technology students can find further information about LUMC here .

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