Painting with Gouache

Blue paint with different colours
Thursday 6 Jun 2024, 16:30 - 18:30
Spoken Language

Hennekijnstraat 6, studio 2.5 tweede verdieping

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Learn to paint with gouache (water soluble paint)

During this workshop you will paint with gouache (water soluble paint), which is a nice material to (learn to) paint with. You can use the paint opaquely or transparently, and many variations in application are possible. After drying, gouache is still soluble so you can mix it again or make adjustments to your painting. A fun technique to try endlessly. 

If you have some tubes of a box of gouache at home, take them with you.

Teacher: Jolanda Linssen

More information

Date: 6 June
Time: 16.30 – 18.30
Location: Hennekijnstraat 6, Studio 2.5 second floor
Teacher: Jolanda Linssen

EUR students only: 5 euro 

Organised by SKVR in cooperation with Studium Generale

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