Alumnus Guido Imbens one of the three winners of the Nobel Prize in Economics

Dutch American Guido Imbens has been named one of the three winners of the 2021 Nobel Prize in economic sciences. Imbens is an alumnus of Erasmus School of Economics: he studied econometrics in Rotterdam after which he continued his research career in the United States.

On Monday 11 October 2021, it was announced that Guido Imbens, Professor of Economics and Professor of Applied Econometrics at the prestigious Stanford Graduate School of Business, was awarded the Nobel Prize along with his colleague Joshua Angrist for their "methodological contribution to analysis of causal relationships". Together they share the prize money of half a million euros. The American David Card (University of California) also wins the Nobel Prize for his research and receives half a million euros.

Imbens and Angrist receive the prize for their research in the mid-1990s into the possibility of so-called natural experiments to explain causal connections. Card wins his Nobel Prize for empirical contributions to labor economics in the early 1990s. An example is given that his research showed that a higher minimum wage does not directly lead to lower employment.

Stanford economist Guido Imbens wins Nobel in economic sciences

More information

For more information, please contact Ronald de Groot, Media & Public Relations Officer at Erasmus School of Economics: and +31 6 53 641 846.

You can read a recent interview with professor Dinand Webbink on the work of Guido Imbens in Erasmus Magazine, 14 October 2021, here

See also this link to an interview with Guido Imbens from 2018, on the website of the Tinbergen Institute.

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