World Veggie Day at Erasmus University Rotterdam

October 1st is World Vegetarian Day. This day initiates the month of October as Vegetarian Awareness Month. And whether you’re a seasoned vegan or a meat-eater testing the waters, our university restaurants offer an incredible array of meat (and dairy-free) food for you to try without breaking the bank.

Erasmus University has many amazing places offering cuisine suitable for vegans and vegetarians, not only on October 1st. So we asked the people who work at Tosti World, Erasmus Paviljoen and de Etude (Vitam canteen) about their own favourite veggie dish.

Daphne (Erasmus Paviljoen): ‘Every week we have a different menu. Having at least three vegetarian options. I don’t really have a personal favourite. Everything we serve is fresh and yummie.’

Miranda (de Etude): ‘We have lots of vegetarian options here. My favourite is the salad bar. It’s completely vegetarian. We also have a vegetarian soup, every day.’

Blanka (Tosti World -  below left): ‘My personal favourite is a tosti with goat cheese, honey and chives. Although the one with brie, walnuts and honey is also super delicious. They are both on the menu, but if you want you can order a combination of these two.’

Olivia (Tosti World -  below right): ‘We have lots of vegetarian tosti’s. My own favou

October 1st is World Vegetarian Day. This day initiates the month of October as Vegetarian Awareness Month. And whether you’re a seasoned vegan or a meat-eater testing the waters, our university restaurants offer an incredible array of meat (and dairy-free) food for you to try without breaking the bank.

rite is mozzarella, tomato and basil. A classic, but one of the best.’


Behavioural economist Jan Stoop came up with the idea to implement a ‘nudge’ to reduce the carbon footprint. Simply by changing the default option lunch services and banqueting ordered by personnel of Erasmus School of Economics have become 100% plant based.

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