Find as many similarities as possible

Find as many similarities as possible is an orginial icebreaker to introduce students to each other. Divide the group into pairs or triplets. The groups are given three minutes to find as many similarities with each other as possible. This could be anything from 'we do the same studies' to 'we like the same music' or 'we both wear jeans'.
Activity goal
Get to know each other
In class
Hybrid | Offline | Online
< 10 minutes
Group size
Small | Medium

Pen, paper

Step 1

Divide the group into pairs or triplets.

Step 2

Give the groups three minutes to discover as many similarities as possible.

Step 3

Encourage students to be creative and name all possible similarities, from interests to clothing choices.

Step 4

Afterwards, each group shares some of their original discoveries with the whole group. The group that found the most similarities won.

Create a relaxed and positive atmosphere where everyone feels free to share.


Pencil and paper.

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