Erasmus School of Economics

Based in Rotterdam, the School has provided excellent education and produced excellent research for over a century
Image of campus Woudestein

U.S. Deputy Chief Economist: ‘We will need bright young economists for years to come’

Phillip A. Luck, Deputy Chief Economist of the U.S. State Department, for a guest lecture on Friday 7 June 2024.
Philip Luck standing in front, giving a presentation

ECB lowers interest rate

Ivo Arnold gives his view on the ECB lowering the interest rates in an article of Was this the right decision or not?
Ivo Arnold, Vice Dean and Professor of Economic Education at Erasmus School of Economics

Researchers introduce a new concept to handle online returns

Researchers of Erasmus School of Economics have published a paper about how to reduce the number of shipments during e-commerce returns.
online returns

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