Erasmus School of Economics

Based in Rotterdam, the School has provided excellent education and produced excellent research for over a century
Image of campus Woudestein

MOOC enrolment ‘Enjoyable Econometrics’ exceeds 25,000 students

The Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) “Enjoyable Econometrics” of Erasmus School of Economics has reached a milestone with 25,000 enrolled learners.

Scaling down the waste incineration capacity: good or bad idea?

Elbert Dijkgraaf of Erasmus School of Economics, recently appeared in De Telegraaf with an opinion article to give his expertise on waste incarceration.
Elbert Dijkgraaf sitting for photo

Podcast with Kyra Hanemaaijer: Inequality in the legal system

Kyra Hanemaaijer is guest on the New Economists Podcast to talk about her research on inequality in the legal system.

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