PhD defence A. (Arvind) Gharbharan

Antibody Based Treatment for COVID-19: Lessons learned during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic.
Prof.dr. B.J.A. Rijnders
Dr. C. Rokx
Dr. C.H. Geurts Van Kessel
Wednesday 15 May 2024, 15:30 - 17:00
PhD defence
Professor Andries Querido room
Education Center
Erasmus MC
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A. Gharbharan will defend his dissertation on Wednesday 15 May 2024, entitled: Antibody Based Treatment for COVID-19: Lessons learned during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic.

Below is a brief summary of the dissertation:

The first cases of SARS-CoV-2 infection in humans arose in Wuhan, China in December 2019. Since its emergence it has spread rapidly over the world and has caused one of the largest pandemics ever. This thesis will focus on virus neutralizing antibody-based treatment (from convalescent plasma (CP) or monoclonal antibodies) of COVID-19 and in particular during the beginning of the pandemic. The main conclusions are that: (1) the current evidence does not support the use of CP to treat hospitalized patients with COVID-19 who are immunocompetent, (2) CP therapy reduced hospital admissions of high-risk immunocompetent outpatients with early COVID-19 but CP with sufficiently high neutralizing antibody titers was required, (3) CP therapy may be beneficial for immunocompromised patients with COVID-19 regardless of in/outpatient setting in particular when monoclonal antibodies or direct-acting antivirals cannot be used (4) monotherapy with a monoclonal antibody can result in the emergence of viruses that are less susceptible to the monoclonal antibody and (5) treatment of immunocompetent and immunocompromised patients with CP rarely resulted in treatment-related serious adverse events.  

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The public defence will start exactly at 15.30pm. The doors will be closed once the public defence starts, latecomers can access the hall via the fourth floor. Given the solemn nature of the meeting, we advise not to bring children under the age of 6 to the first part of the ceremony.
A livestream link has been provided to candidate.

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