Gijs van Oenen at Bilderberg Conference VNO-NCW

Conferentie at ss Rotterdam
Dr. G.H. van Oenen

Gijs van Oenen, Associate Professor of Practical Philosophy, will speak at the VNO-NCW Bilderberg Conference of February 3rd and 4th 2023. His expertise in political philosophy, specifically aligned to his work Culturele veldslagen, will be connected to the general theme of the conference; polarisation and 'polderen'.

Every year VNO-NCW organizes the Bilderberg Conference on a topical social theme. This two-day private Bilderberg Conference is traditionally held at Hotel De Bilderberg in Oosterbeek on the first Friday and Saturday of February. The conference is organised by the Staff Group on Philosophy of Life and Entrepreneurship, which also advises regional committees on corporate social responsibility and ethics, organizes 'Broodje B' and is supported by a Sounding Board of members and external interested parties of VNO-NCW.

More information

For more information, see the VNO-NCW website.

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