Official Inauguration of the new Mural on Campus

Zon op gevel Polak Building
Wednesday 8 Nov 2023, 12:30 - 14:00
S Building (Exam Centre)
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Campus in the morning.

As part of Erasmus University's 22nd Lustrum celebration, Mick La Rock created a mural design for the exterior wall of the Exam Centre in the S Building on campus Woudestein. The mural, with a cross-sectional size of approximately 10 x 30 meters, will be inaugurated during the Lustrum on November 8.

We are pleased to invite you to the art program on November 8.


12:30h S - Building
  • Festive unveiling of the mural on location S building* after a welcome by Anne Clement van Vugt (advisor Art Affairs EUR)
  • Festive inauguration of the mural with a reading by Amara van der Elst (spoken word artist)
  • Joint walk to the Erasmus Gallery (approx. 10 min.)
13:15hErasmus Gallery
  • Opening exhibition 'Brutal' in the Erasmus Gallery** with guest speakers Daniël Claessens (curator ALL CAPS street art festival), Pauwke Berkers (full professor Sociology of Popular Music, in the Department of Arts and Culture Studies, EUR, Member of the Art Commission EUR) and Mick La Rock

At 2:15 p.m. the walk-in for the 110th Dies Natalis of Erasmus University starts in the Aula. The Aula entrance is located next to the Erasmus Gallery. Registration is required to attend the Dies Natalis, more information about the Dies Natalis.

*Mural location: S building - see campus map E3. ** Brutal location: Erasmus Gallery AB-57 in the corridor between Aula Erasmus Building and Theil Building C-hall - see campus map B2.

About the artist

Mick La Rock (Aileen Middel, 1970) is one of Europe's first and best-known female graffiti artists. In the pioneering days of hip hop, when graffiti, rap music and breakdance from New York City were conquering the streets of Europe, she passionately started writing her nickname MICKEY in 1983, only 13 years old.

During the 90s - 00s she worked and lived both in Amsterdam and New York, where she collaborated with some of the most famous graffiti artists (Quik, Blade, Lady Pink, Iz The Wiz, Sar, Dondi, Futura, Lee Quiñones) and became part of the New York graffiti scene. Her graffiti art evolved from traditional to abstract, influenced by the raw concrete of utopian brutalist architecture of the second half of the last century and the typography of the same period. Intrigued by the question, "What does a letter do when it no longer needs to be read?" she alienates the elements of her old graffiti name into abstraction, away from their original essence and composition. Still driven by hip hop, Mick La Rock believes strongly in the philosophy of "Each One Teach One." She became a teacher, lecturer and (museum) curator on the subject of graffiti, but also still travels the world for her graffiti and abstract murals.

The project of the Mick La Rock Mural.
This is what the mural is going to look like.

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