"I want there to be room at the university for more types of people, not just the sheep with the five legs"

Annelien Bredenoord

Annelien Bredenoord has been the university's rector magnificus for a hundred days now. The first weeks were different than she had hoped. "I would prefer everything to be open, we are not just an online learning factory. We are also an academic community with one another."

During an interview with Erasmus Magazine, she explains that the university's strategy of making a positive societal impact is not just on paper, but that everyone contributes to the major societal challenges. One of those social issues is poverty in Rotterdam-South. In an interview with the AD, she explains that all the bright minds in the faculties are needed to solve this complex problem. This requires researchers from different disciplines to work together. "I embrace this and want to support it further", says Annelien. She, therefore, encourages scientists to step forward and exchange ideas. 

"Not everyone looks the same and you can wear what you like, as long as you are dressed appropriately, of course"

Recognition and rewards are one of Bredenoord's spearheads. In other words, offering a place for different talents. "This also fits within the diversity of career paths: not everyone looks the same and you can wear what you like, as long as you are dressed appropriately, of course. I want there to be room for several types of people at the university, not just five-legged sheep. That they can choose a profile in the field of education, impact, research, or leadership."

"You want to educate leaders who show exemplary behaviour"

Bredenoord believes there should be more emphasis on student success and not just study success. "You want to educate leaders who show exemplary behaviour." Bredenoord has recently become a resident of Rotterdam-South. She lives there with her wife and son. She experiences Rotterdam as an impressive, "real city" that gives her a wow-feeling.

More information

Read the interview of Erasmus Magazine here.

Read the interview with AD here.

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She succeeds Prof. Frank van der Duijn Schouten from 1 October 2021. Bredenoord is a professor, member of the Dutch Senate, supervisory authority and director.
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