EHERO media moments
Number of media moments per year
Year | Audio-visuals: | Printed media: | In Dutch language | In other languages |
2016 | 15 | 27 | 38 | 4 | |
2015 | 6 | 20 | 21 | 5 | |
2014 | 13 | 17 | 24 | 6 | |
2013 | 2 | 30 | 25 | 7 | |
2012 | 14 | 32 | 41 | 5 |
Interviews for radio and TV | ||
4/1 | BNR Nieuwsradio | Happiness |
15/3 | RTL TV | Happiness and tax |
?/3 | Ukraine TV | Did EU bring greater happiness? |
?/3 | RTL-Z TV 'Money talk' | Happiness and income |
12/4 | Geluk wordt vaak gekocht met wat blauwe plekken | Happiness and life choice |
6/5 | BNR radio | Did the EU bring greater happiness? |
23/6 | TV Een Vandaag | Good manners |
12/8 | RTL4 TV, RTL nieuws | Happiness of youngsters |
18/8 | Radio Noord-Holland | Happiness and holidays |
18/8 | Radio Monocle 24(UK) | Mood in cities |
5/9 | BNR radio/website 'De Nieuwe wereld' | Rising longevity |
3/10 | Radio 5, Wekker Wakker | Happiness and income |
3/10 | BNR radio | Happiness and alcohol |
3/11 | Radio 5, Omroep Max, 'Wekker wakker' | Happiness and money |
26/12 | Radio Rijnmond, kerstuitzending | Happiness |
Interviews in print | ||
*/1 | Kijk, nr., blz 44-47 | Happiness and children |
19/1 | NRC | Streering on happiness |
22/1 | Trots op de stad maakt nog niet gelukkig | Local happiness |
27/2 | The Economist, p. 21 | Happiness in Europe |
*/3 | De Geluksprofessor | Biography |
*/3 | Management Support, nr. 3, blz. 14-16 | Happiness and work |
?/4 | Margriet | Happiness and health |
12/4 | Geluk wordt vaak gekocht met wat blauwe plekken | Happiness and life choice |
?/5 | Zin | Longings |
19/5 | UWV online Magazine | Happiness at work |
?/6 | Gazeta Wyborcza. Poland | Did EU raise happiness |
*/6 | Nesthor: Reunistenblad studenten-vereniging RSG, jrg. 25 nr 2, blz 28-33 | Biography |
*/6 | Ik ben een gelukkig mens | Biography |
*/7 | Wie gelukkig is leeft langer | happiness and health |
*/7-8 | Psychologie Magazine, zomernummer blz 78 | Happiness and autonomy |
11/7 | Jarenlange zoektocht naar geluk | Biography |
?/8 | Volkskrant | Happiness and holidays |
?/8 | Flair | Chlidlessness |
12/8 | Algemeen Dagblad, blz. 1+ 8-9 | Happiness of youngsters |
27/8 | De kwaliteit van je leven wordt bepaald door de kwaliteit van je gedachten | Happiness and self image |
?/9 | Dagblad Trouw | Happiness and faith |
?/9 | Intermediar | Happiness at work |
*/9 | Newsweek Magazine Czech edition | Happiness research |
24/9 | Dagblad De Telegraaf | Loneliness |
*/10 | Japanese magazine 'Work' | happiness and work |
1/11 | Volkskrant, Wetenschap, blz. 25 | Social media and longevity |
3/11 | Langer leven door sociaal leven op Facebook | Social media and longevity |
7/11 | Sleutelen aan werkgeluk | Happiness and work |
*/11 | Ongeluk en Religie | Happiness and religion |
?/11 | Financieel Dagblad | geluk en geld |
*/12 | Driessen HRM | Happiness at work |
Interviews for radio and TV | ||
?/2 | Bulgarian national television | Science of happiness |
21/5 | World happiness report | |
21/5 | Radio Rijnmond | World happiness report |
* | Gluecksexperten | Happiness experts |
* | CCTV (China) | Happiness measurement |
* | Happiness | Happiness |
Interviews in print | ||
*/2 | Gelukkige mensen betalen beter belasting | Happiness and tax paying |
14/2 | Geld, geluk en het voeren van vogels | Happiness and pets |
6/3 | Gooi en Eemlander, blz 11 | Happiness |
20/3 | Geluk kun je zelf afdwingen | Happiness self-help |
23/3 | Er is een app voor geluk | Happiness self-help |
23/3 | Nederland kan nog gelukkiger worden dan Denemarken | Happiness in Nations |
*/4 | Sante Magazine | Happiness and lifestyle |
7/4 | Como lograr la felicidad comunitaria e individual? | Happiness |
7/4 | Geluk is als hoofdpijn, je weet niet waar het vandaag komt | Happiness in nations |
27/4 | Mannen van 48 zitten gewoon goed in hun vel | Happiness and age |
*/5 | Man versus algorithm | Hapiness and choice |
10/6 | Geluk | Happiness in nations |
28/8 | Ambtnenaren en bestuurders leren sturen op geluk | Happiness policy |
*/9 | Het leven wordt gemiddeld leuker op de oude dag | Happiness and age |
20/10 | Depressie epidemie? We zijn gelukkiger dan ooit | Happiness and depression |
*/11 | Gezond Nu, blz 56-59 | Happiness and health |
3/11 | Het leven is vurrukkulluk * vinden vooral mannen | Happiness in the Netherlands |
14/11 | Volkskrant Magazine, blz. 21-24 | Happiness and children |
*/12 | Hillenraad 1000, jrg. 13, blz 8-9 | Happiness and horticulture |
31/12 | Margriet, nr 1, 2016, blz 58-61 | Daily happiness |
Interviews for radio and TV | ||
17/1 | BBC Mid-England | World Database of Happiness |
20/3 | RTL TV, Vandaag | Happiness in Denmark |
21/3 | Radio 2 | Happiness in Denmark |
26/3 | RTL TV, Vandaag | Trust |
3/4 | Radio 1, Standpunt NL | Happiness and family |
15/4 | Radio 1, Met het oog op morgen | Happiness and income |
6/5 | Medelin TV (Colombia) | Happiness |
21/5 | Radio Rijnmond | Happiness |
21/5 | BNR Nieuwsradio | Hapiness |
29/7 | Radio 2 | Friendschip |
13/8 | BNR Nieuwsradio | Happiness and children |
27/8 | Tirol radio (Austria) | Happiness |
23/9 | BNR Nieuwsradio | Happiness in the Netherlands |
Interviews in print | ||
14/1 | Gelukkiger met kinderen? In de praktijk blijkt het tegen te vallen | Happiness and children |
1/3 | NRC, blz E15 | Bibiography |
3/3 | Ongelukkige mensen hou je altijd | Happiness and religion |
20/3 | Levensvoldoening | Happiness |
27/4 | Die Mitarbeiterin: Werkheft der katholischen Frauengemeinschaft Deutschlands, nr 4, Seite 8-9 | Happiness |
28/4 | Lessen in 'geluk' dienen als remedie tegen pesten | Lessons in happiness |
*/4 | Erasmus Allumni Nieuws, nr. 2, blz. 12 | Masterclass Happiness Economics |
13/5 | Geluksprofessor over Europa bij D66 | Happiness in nations |
*/4-6 | SECEUR Quarterly, blz 13-16 | Happiness research |
18/7 | Prof. Ruut Veenhoven, Sozial Psychologen und Happiness Forscher | Biography |
30/8 | Die Presse (Austria) Wissen p. 23 | Happiness research |
14/10 | Nederland is heel leefbaar | Happiness in the Netherlands |
14/10 | Randgemeenten dik tevreden over buurt | Happiness and neighbourhood |
*/11 | De meesterproef van Ruut Veenhoven: Wat blijft er in het licht van de geschiedenis over van een promotieonderzoek? | Biography |
*/11 | Design for happiness | Design for happiness |
*/12 | Meer geluk dankzij GGZ | Hapiness and mental health care in nations |
*/? | Global views (Japan) p. 302-303 |
Interviews for radio and TV | ||
7/1 | Radio 5, Netherlands, Hoezo radio | Happiness tracking tool |
29/1 | SBS TV Netherlands, Hart van Nederland over kroning | Happiness and rituals |
Interviews in print | ||
*/1 | Levenskunst: De kunst zo te leven dat men er zich prettig bij voelt | Art of living |
*/2 | De gelukswetenschap | Biography |
*/2 | Give yourself a happiness makeover | Happiness and life style |
?/2 | Eleftherotypia (national daily, Greece) | Happiness in nations |
?/2 | De Volkskrant (national daily, Netherlands) | Happiness and marriage |
6/2 | Forget the old wisdom. The fact is, the richer you are, the happier; | Happiness and economic growth |
7/2 | It's official! Money makes you happier | Happiness and economic growth |
27/2 | El Financiero (financial daily, Mexico) | happiness |
9/3 | De mooiweermythe | Happiness and season |
*/4 | Where to be born? Korrespondemt (magazine, Ukraine) | Happiness in nations |
1/4 | De stad: gezonder dan u denkt | Happiness and urbanity |
4/4 | Crisis maakt bezord, maar niet ongelukkig | Happiness and recession |
9/4 | BNR radio (Netherlands) | Happiness economics |
9/4 | Happiness kann unser Leben verlangern | Happiness and longevity |
11/4 | Nederlands kind is gelukkigst | Happiness of youngsters |
12/4 | Lentegevoel | Happiness and season |
13/4 | Crisis maakt bezorgd, maar niet ongelukkig | Happiness and economic recession |
13/4 | We zijn toe aan de zon! | Happiness and holidays |
17/4 | VIVA (Ladies weekly, Netherlands) |
?/5 | NRC next | Happiness and income |
1/7 | Can we makes ourselves happier? | World Database of Happiness |
21/8 | Regeltjes maken blij' | Happiness and quality of government |
10/9 | Vierde op geluksschaal van tevreden volken | Happiness in nations |
11/10 | Spits Daily | Happiness self-help |
18/10 | Beter kiezen voor meer geluk | Biography |
13/11 | Nederlanders het depressiefst? | Happiness and depression |
10/12 | De professor | Happiness |
30/12 | De Telegraaf | Happiness and economic recession |
*/12 | Be active if you want to be happier | Happiness |
* | Is scheiden slecht voor kinderen? | Children of divorce |
Interviews for radio and TV | ||
10/2 | BBC radio | Happiness |
22/2 | Radio 5, Netherlands, HoeZo Radio | Happiness |
10/3 | Das Glueck naht! | Happiness |
1/4 | Radio 2, Netherlands | Happiness and recession |
2/4 | Radio 1, Netherlands, KRO World happiness report | Happiness in nations |
?/5 | To Vima (National daily, Greece) | Happiness |
22/5 | RTL TV Netherlands. Stelling: Nederland te vol? | Happiness and population pressure |
18/6 | Radio 5 Netherlands | World Database of Happiness |
22/6 | BNR radio, Netherlands | Happiness |
25/6 | Radio 1, Netherlands | Happiness and discontent |
26/6 | BNR radio, Netherlands, zakendoen | Happiness |
20/12 | Radio 1 (Netherlands) Lijn 1 | Happiness and personality |
21/12 | Radio 1, Netherlands | Happiness and marriage |
* | Video interview Talentenwijzer | Happiness and life choice |
Interviews in print | ||
* | We zijn best gelukkig, maar er zit nog wel meer in | Happiness in nations |
*/2 | Never waste a good crisis | Happiness and recession |
18/2 | GeluksZoekers | Happiness research |
1/3 | Centroamerica: mas feliz que desarrollda | Happiness in nations |
9/3 | Geluks magazine (Netherlands) | Happiness |
14/3 | Algemeen Dagblad (national daily, Netherlands), p. ? | Happiness and marriage |
*/4 | De stad gezonder dan u denkt. | Happiness and urban life |
4/4 | Geouwehour maakt Nederland gelukkiger | Happiness and public pessimism |
10/4 | Geluk is niet hetzelfde als zinvolheid | Happiness in nations |
13/4 | Geluksprofessor houdt lezing in Hardenberg | Happiness research |
17/4 | Bruto nationaal geluk: de 10 grootste geluksmakers | Happiness |
27/4 | Hamingjan og Islendingar Visir (Islandic daily) | Happines and recession |
29/4 | ?? (National daily Finland) | Happiness |
?/5 | GPD bladen (provincial dailies, Netherlands) | Happiness policy |
3/5 | Herinneringen aan Pim Fortuin | Biography |
12/5 | Moeder instinct | Mother instinct |
23/5 | Nederland een van de gelukkigste landen | Happiness and society |
*/6 | Was vroeger alles beter? | Happiness over time |
*/6 | Vroeger was geluk heel gewoon | Happiness over trime |
22/6 | Wetenschap op zoek naar geluk | Happiness economics |
*/7 | Esta (Ladies magazine, Netherlands) | Happiness |
*/7 | Intermediair (job website, Netherlands) | Happiness economics |
24/7 | Marketing Tribune (marketing magazine, Netherlands) | happiness |
29/7 | Lekker gewerkt (job web site, Netherlands) 25. p.50 | Biography |
?/8 | De Standaard (national daily Belgium) | Happiness and holidays |
1/8 | In landen met minder inkomensongelijkheid, zijn mensen gemiddeld gelukkiger dan in landen met meer inkomensongelijkheid." Ongefundeerd | Happiness and inequality in nations |
*/10 | Autakt Dialogen (discussion website, Germany) | Happiness in nations |
17/10 | Jaren 50 | happiness in the past |
* | Hoe meer iemand verdient, hoe gelukkiger hij zegt te zijn | Happiness and wealth |
* | Je kunt geluk niet grijpen | Happiness |
20/11 | Aap heeft midlife crisis, net als mens | Happiness and age |
*/12 | Miss Perfect (consumer magazine, Netherlands) | Happiness and choice |