'Every day, Erasmus MC faculty members dedicate themselves to provide the best possible education for our students. Education is a core task of Erasmus MC and is important to shape the healthcare of today and of the future: we train the doctors and biomedical scientists of the future.
This gallery showcases Teachers of the Year, honoring efforts of all Erasmus MC teachers to achieve Erasmus MC's mission: Erasmus MC stands for a healthy population and excellent care through research and education.'
– prof.dr. Maarten Frens vide dean of education
Each study association of the academic programs of Medicine, Nanobiology and Clinical Engineering, organize an election for the best teacher of the year. Students vote for the teather who makes a special commitment to education. That person wears the title "Best Teacher of the Year" for a year. The best teacher are also awarded a place in the Education Gallery for 3 years.

Best teachers of the year 2024-2025
Dr. Floor van Rosse – Beste Teacher Medicine
Floor is a very involved, knowledgeable, and enthusiastic teacher. Students know her from the Medicines Education and the Medicine of the Week. For years, Floor has been working on multiple fronts to improve education in an innovative way. She never loses sight of the students’ well-being. Floor is also closely involved in the assessment of the new bachelor curriculum Erasmusarts2030. Her enthusiasm for education and assessment motivates many students and teachers!
Floor: 'Learn and innovate together'
Prof.dr. Maikel Peppelenbosch – Best Teacher Technical Medicine
Maikel Peppelenbosch is a teacher that many students will remember for a long time. He is described as a teacher with a passion for his field, ensuring that a lecture always remains interesting, even if the subject appeals to you less. He ensures that you do not lose your attention. Students feel that he has a heart for clinical technology.‘Professor Peppelenbosch is a true KT legend,’ say students. ‘His lessons are always interesting, regardless of the subject. He always keeps you engaged. We hope to encounter him more often in our careers.’
Maikel: 'Design thinking'
Dr. Mario Negrello – Best Teacher Nanobiology
Mario Negrello is known amongst students for his infectious enthusiasm and genuine wonder for the world around us. He is involved in the Nanobiology program in different ways: as a teacher of during the bachelor and master program, and electives, but also as an innovator in using artificial intelligence in education and as a supervisor for theses. Mario has his own unique way of teaching, characterized by a large degree of freedom for students to follow their curiosity and explore the topics of their liking. Furthermore, he is interested in the individual students and encourages critical thinking by engaging in discussion with them. ‘Dr. Negrello is clearly passionate’, students say. ‘He can efficiently teach while also keeping students engaged.’
Mario: 'Your insight is your best teacher'
Best teacher of the year 2022-2023
dr. Renske Los - Technical Medicine
Students describe Renske Los as a passionate, creative and thoughtful lecturer in the Clinical Technology program. Her lectures are interactive and she tries to involve all her students in the lecture. Renske knows how to keep students engaged by the way she talks about her field, even when students do not find the material interesting. She does this with great enthusiasm and a good sense of humor. Students find Renske flexible and thoughtful and appreciate her positive and constructive feedback.
Renske - 'Love your data!'
dr.ir. Joyce Lebbink - Nanobiology
Joyce Lebbink is a lecturer in both the undergraduate and graduate program in Nanobiology. She always involves her students in the lectures and likes to adjust her lessons based on student feedback. She is also always very enthusiastic about the topics she covers, according to students. 'She is a good presenter and knows how to explain complex biological systems in a clear way.'
Joyce - 'Let your fascination guide you!'
dr. Gijs Elshout - Medicine
Students know Gijs Elshout from the Clinical Reasoning course. Students describe Gijs as a good, valued teacher. He actively involves students in classes and also helps students prepare for integration tests. With his involvement in the new undergraduate course Erasmus Physician 2030, students expect that he will also have a great impact on future students. Gijs is a committed teacher who thinks along from the student perspective and is always ready to help students.
Gijs - 'Education flourishes thanks to equality, enthusiasm and trust.'

Best lecturers of the year 2021-2022
Drs. Laura Graven - Best Lecturer in Clinical Technology
'Laura takes students into the clinical world of nuclear medicine in a fun way. Her own enthusiasm about Clinical Technology is tremendously motivating. Her lectures are interactive, making it easy to stay on task.'
Laura: "The possibilities are endless!
Dr. Hegias Mira Bontenbal - Best Lecturer in Nanobiology
'Hegias is interested in students' opinions and adjusts his lectures based on their feedback. Students can always come to him with questions. His lectures are well structured and he applies multiple teaching methods. He is enthusiastic and passionate about his field.'
Hegias: 'Be curious to understand'
Dr. Wilfred de Koning - Best Lecturer in Medicine
'Wilfred is very involved with the students and especially the PKV teaching student team. For example, he reserved tickets for the entire student team to see the MFVR musical because one of the students played in it. Next year will be the last before his retirement. But he has already said to stay working in education after that. The students can't say goodbye to him for a long time yet. So they encourage this wholeheartedly!
Wilfred: 'Caring for each other from a big heart'