Get involved

Campus overview with pond

At ESHCC we are proud of our alumni and their accomplishments. So, even though the journey continues after ESHCC, we hope to stay engaged with you. Check out the possibilities below!

Do you have other ideas? Contact us! We’d like to hear from you to discuss the options.

ESHCC Mentoring Programme

Support The Future Generation

Students sitting on a bench on campus and chatting with each other


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ESHCC Alumni Office

Email address
M7-43 (Van der Goot building)
Burgemeester Oudlaan 50


Hybrid symposium “Race, ethnicity, and the photographic archive"

On November 5 the ERMeCHS research clusters GFCP and VISUAL will host the hybrid symposium "Race, ethnicity, and the photographic archive".

Dutch DiGRA 2024 Symposium: "Diversity, Sustainability, and Social Well-Being in Game Design, Industry Practices and Player Experience"

The Dutch chapter of the Digital Games Research Association (DiGRA) is pleased to announce a call for abstracts for our upcoming symposium.

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