ERMeCC Lunch Seminar

Tuesday 17 Mar 2020, 12:00 - 13:00
Mandeville T3-06
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We wish to invite you to the upcoming ERMeCC Lunch Seminar taking place on Tuesday, 17th March 2020 in T3-06 from 12:00 to 13:00. Please feel free to bring your lunch and comments! In turn, we will provide intellectual stimulation by presenting the research detailed below.

Speaking up on social media: Voice in activist collectives
Delia Dumitrica

Social media platforms have become go-to sites for citizens to voice their concerns and become involved in politics. Building on Couldry's (2010) discussion of voice as political value, I ask how voice is constructed in digitally mediated grassroots mobilizations. Data from three cases of grassroots mobilizations in Canada show that while voice is imagined as a means of 'speaking truth to power' and of facilitating community-building, the act of listening is often left out. This leaves grassroots activist collectives vulnerable to populist hijackings. 

Social Justice, Tactical Communication, and Law Enforcement Technologies
Sarah Young

A search of the term “how to engage with law enforcement” on YouTube yields a range of videos that could be considered sousveillance, from grassroots advocates instructing marginalized communities how to interact with law enforcement to individuals providing how-to instructions using their own arrest footage. Many of the videos can also be considered tactical, technical communication as per Kimball’s (2017a) description -- they are “visible, user-created, authentic, and personal” (p. 345) pieces of communication made by individuals. Answering Kimball’s (2017b) call to explore technical communication “from its surface to its depths” (p. 6), I will discuss the results of a preliminary study using content analysis of YouTube videos from the search terms “how to engage with law enforcement.” Overall, I conclude that not only is there a range of technological and mediated concerns addressed by the videos, the videos can promote matters of social justice by encouraging scholars “to take the lead in examining ways to promote agency in others as well as take action themselves” (Jones, 2016, p. 356).

More information

If you or someone you know would like to present their research, or if you have any questions about the seminar series, please feel free to contact Daniel Trottier (

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