ERMeCC Lunch Seminar

Thursday 19 May 2022, 12:00 - 13:00
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ERMeCC Lunch Seminar

Our monthly ERMeCC lunch seminar series continues with a session taking place on Thursday, 19th May, 12:00 - 13:00. The seminar will be hybrid, meaning you can attend on-site at the Woudestein campus (G3-26), and it will also be accessible via Zoom (please contact for the login details. 

CHARTER – European Cultural Heritage Skills Alliance
Marleen Hofland-Mol, Anna Mignosa & Kubra Karatas

The Erasmus+ funded project started in January 2021. Cultural Heritage Actions to Refine Training, Education and Roles (CHARTER) seeks to create a lasting, comprehensive sectoral skills strategy to guarantee that Europe has the necessary cultural heritage skills to support sustainable societies and economies, including transversal competences such as digital/technological and green/blue economy skills. During the lunch presentation Dr. Anna Mignosa (online), Lecturer Kubra Karatas and PhD candidate Marleen Hofland-Mol (live) would like to inform you on the progress of this project which aims to: (1) Map the needs of the cultural heritage sector to identify skills shortages and mismatches. (2) Identify curricula and learning outcomes to equip education and training to respond to current and future needs for cultural heritage skills. (3) Create a transferable methodology and framework that will make it easy to recognise competences and skills found across the CH sector and encourage exchange, capacity building and movement within Europe. (4)Produce cultural heritage policy recommendations and advocate at EU level for the benefit of all current and future CH workers and students. (5) Structure cultural heritage as an economically active sector. The Alliance covers 5 fields of analysis to identify core and transversal competences, including digital, technological and green adaptation skills.  We’re looking forward to active and open dialog regarding this project.

Welcome to the r/RedPillWomen! Looking at Women's Participation within the Manosphere on Reddit
Sanne Pieters

Being ‘red pilled’ is the name for a socio-political movement that occurs, mainly, within the online ‘manosphere’, a group of websites and social media communities where men’s perspectives are discussed and celebrated. The red pill believes society’s misandry, fueled by 'feminist doctrines', has deprived men and women from being their biological selves with intersex relationships becoming skewed as a result of this. Research on manosphere groups generally focuses exclusively on men's participation but women participate in these movements too. One such way of participation is the RedPillWomen subreddit ('r/RPW' in reddit jargon). In this project, using a qualitative critical thematic analysis, I looked at two types of text to establish what is communicated on the r/RPW: 25 moderator texts and 100 top posts written by redditors. Moderator texts illuminated that gender essentialism, anti-feminism, self-improvement and neoliberal discourses are central tenets of RedPillWomen-ideology. Redditor posts then showed how this ideology is given shape and relates to real life situations. Posts focused on the responsibility women have in transforming both the physical and psychological, deploying techniques of self- and peer surveillance in obtaining the perfect feminine form. Finally, the idea of the red pill as a form of counter-hegemony was found. Women believed taking the red pill was their way out of a society that expects too much from them.

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