INVENT Conference

Monday 15 Jun 2020, 12:00 - Wednesday 17 Jun 2020, 19:00
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The Erasmus Research Centre for Media, Communication and Culture (ERMeCC) as coordinator, together with eight other consortium partners across Europe, received an H2020 grant of 3 million euro for the major international research project INVENT: European Inventory of Societal Values of Culture as Basis for Inclusive Cultural Policies. On 15-17 June, a conference will take place at Erasmus University Rotterdam in light of this research project.

The project

The INVENT consortium aims to contribute to a “social turn” in cultural policies, that takes into account how the way of life and cultural participation of European citizens has been influenced by the mega-trends of globalization, European integration and the migrations that accompany them, the digital revolution, and rising social inequalities. The bottom-up approach of the project will provide insight into multiple, often mutually contradictory, concepts of culture and understandings of societal values of culture among various social (demographic, socio-economic, ethnic, religious…) groups in European societies. At the same time it will offer the foundation for new methodologies for capturing the societal value of culture.

The INVENT project sets out to identify, through research, the cultural and social preconditions required for the strategic goals of the New EU Agenda for Culture to be realized. This is the overall goal of the project, aimed at supporting the values of culture vital for the preservation and improvement of the European project, by means of striving to promote identity and belonging, inclusiveness, tolerance, and social cohesion.

For more information about the INVENT project, please see the news regarding the grant.


More details about the upcoming conference will follow soon.

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