Mini symposium: Contemporary challenges in creative labor

Thursday 16 Feb 2023, 13:00 - 15:30
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Campus Woudestein
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The ERMeCC research cluster Music, Industry, Culture & Society (MICS) will organise the mini symposium 'Contemporary challenges in creative labor' on Thursday 16 February at 13:00. You are welcome to join at Woudestein Campus in room T3-39. During this symposium, different speakers will address the difficulties and challenges in creative labor, from the superstar economy of live music to basic income and social inequalities. These topics relate well to Rick Everts' PhD defence, which will take place on Friday 17 February.

Program mini-symposium

13:00-13:20Alison Gerber (Lund University)
Valuing labor in the arts: Objects, projects, and philosophy
13:20-13:40Erik Hitters and Martiijn Mulder (EUR)
From slave to superstar: the superstar economy of live music
13:40-14:00Yosha Wijngaarden, Pauwke Berkers, Frank Kimenai and Rick Everts (EUR)
Basic income, post-precarious outcome? How music professionals perceive participating in an experiment with basic income
14:10-14:30Timo Koren (EUR)
Temporarily making place: How nightclubs’ subdivisions entrench social inequalities
14:30-14:50Brian Hracs (University of Southampton)
The mobilities of creative workers: Lessons from Canada and South Africa

Presentations will take 15 min and there is 5 min room for questions.

For questions, contact: Pauwke Berkers ( or Erik Hitters (

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