Symposium CUES in Action

Shaping the Future of Food with Cutting-Edge Research and Sustainable Practices
Friday 8 Mar 2024, 13:30 - 18:00
Erasmus Pavilion
Campus Woudestein

Erasmus University Rotterdam

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In an era where sustainability is imperative, the CUES project—Consumers’ Understanding of Eating Sustainably—stands at the vanguard of transforming Europe's food system. Aligned with the European Green Deal and Farm to Fork Strategy, CUES addresses the urgent need for a sustainable, healthy, and fair food system. 

This groundbreaking initiative seeks to revolutionize our food consumption patterns by fostering a 'Triple Change' in culture, food value chain, and policy. By co-designing scientific methods to effectively communicate sustainability, equipping food value chain actors with sustainable practices, and engaging consumers and policymakers in informed choices, CUES is a beacon of systemic change. This symposium explores these innovative approaches, unveiling how CUES is shaping a new reality where sustainable eating is the norm.


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Join us in navigating this pivotal journey towards a sustainable future. You can register by filling in the form on this page. 

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The event will conclude with a networking cocktail that will end the latest at 18h.

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