NWO starts PhDs in the Humanities 2023

PhD research

NWO will launch the PhDs in the Humanities Call 2023 soon. The aim of the PhDs in the Humanities is to increase the number of young talented researchers working in the field of the humanities and to facilitate their progress on the academic career ladder.

Whilst the final selection will be made by NWO (Dutch Research Council), ESHCC can nominate a maximum of three (former) students who have the ambition and talent to succeed in the NWO competition. In order to identify the most promising students, ESHCC will launch an internal selection procedure. Applications should include a CV (max 2.5 A4 pages) and a research proposal (max 1 A4) and the intended supervisor should send the material to the Research Office no later than 18 November 2022.

Please note that in order to take part in the internal selection, all candidates must already have agreed on the research project with the intended supervisor and co-supervisor. For more information on ESHCC’s academic staff, please see the links below:

Arts and Culture Studies
Media and Communication


Internal selection procedure

Supervisors should play an active role in shaping the research proposal of the candidates that they decide to support. In order to ensure this explicit support, the supervisor will submit the application on behalf of the prospective PhD candidate.  

Students who would like to apply and contact supervisors to support their applications can inquire with:

Prof. Gijsbert OonkResearch Director (History) at History@Erasmusoonk@eshcc.eur.nl
Prof. Susanne JanssenResearch Director (Media and Communication) at ERMeCCs.janssen@eshcc.eur.nl
Prof. Filip VermeylenResearch Director (Arts and Culture Studies) at ERMeCCvermeylen@eshcc.eur.nl

Please note: although within ESHCC research often involves both the humanities and the social sciences, the PhDs in the Humanities are specifically aimed at the humanities. It is therefore important that the research proposal is written from a humanities perspective and contains clear humanities elements.

If the candidate is successfully awarded a PhD position, they will be offered a four-year contract. You will spend 80% of your time working on your doctoral research and research-related training, whilst the remaining 20% will be spent on teaching tasks and teaching-related training.

How to apply

The internal selection will be divided into two stages.

Stage one

We invite the applicants to send the following documents to their supervisor:

1. A Curriculum Vitae, redacted in accordance with the Guidelines for drawing up an application. This document should include details on:

  • Education;
  • Honours, prizes, scholarships, and grants. Please also add: Judicia (grade point average and thesis grade);
  • Relevant academic experience;
  • Other relevant positions;
  • Output (please provide references to the output and, if preferred, a motivation for the selection of each of these output items. Output may include refereed articles, non-refereed articles, letters to editors, books, book chapters, pre-prints, patents, working papers, proceedings, conference reports, software, code and open access databases);
  • Motivation for doing PhD-research (max 300 words);
  • Teaching qualifications and/or teaching experience.

2. A summary of the proposed research, including title, introduction of topic, research question, methodology and scientific relevance (max 1 A4 page, excluding references).

You can apply through your prospective supervisor until 18 November 2022.

Stage two

Stage two will only involve those candidates (max. 6) who were successful during stage one. These will be invited to submit a full research proposal and have an interview with the ESHCC selection committee.

  • The deadline for submitting a full research proposal is 27 January 2023.
  • Interviews will take place during the second week of February 2023.
  • The ESHCC selection committee will inform all candidates about the outcome of their application by 17 February 2023.

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