Partnership EuroClio and the Center for Historical Culture connects scholarly research educational practice

History books

The Center for Historical Culture and EuroClio, the European association of history educators, have started a three-year partnership to close the gap between scholarly research on history education and educational practice.

Greater collaboration

This partnership will allow for greater collaboration between scholars and practitioners in the field of history education, with the goal of improving both history education and history education scholarship. It will involve a number of activities, including joint research projects, conferences, workshops, and initiatives for the popular dissemination of academic research.

Main pillars

  1. Academic research: together with EuroClio we will continue and expand our research to advance the teaching and learning of history, especially critical historical thinking and the use of new media.
  2. Community engagement: we will continue to invest in community engagement in the fields of history, didactics and education both nationally and internationally and explore new ways to disclose academic scholarship to educational practitioners.
  3. Resources: we will expand and internationalize the History Didactics Collection at EUR University Library, a rich collection of works in history didactics and educational materials (textbooks, workbooks and teacher manuals) to include history education resources from the Council of Europe, other intergovernmental organisations and create a collection of transnational history textbooks and other media concerning history education. 

Create synergies

The partnership will strengthen EuroClio in its role as coordinator of the experts group work on the CoE Observatory of History Teaching in Europe (OHTE) and will help to create synergies between the work of the CHC and the Council of Europe. 

We are confident that this partnership will make a significant contribution to our understanding of how best to teach history, and we look forward to working together over the next three years to make this happen.

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