Social media platforms need to start taking responsibility

Portrait of Marina Tulin

An interview with TRESCA coordination manager Marina Tulin by Find Out Why on social media, misinformation and science communication.

Marina Tulin, post doctorate at ESHCC and Coordination manager of the Horizon 2020 project TRESCA (Trustworthy, Reliable and Engaging Scientific Communication Approaches) was interviewed by the digital fluency lab Find Out Why. She talked about the effective communication of science, the importance of social science knowledge and how trust is built online.

Marina Tulin: “We, individuals, have to be good in so many ways these days: we have to protect the environment; we have to be politically informed; we have to socially distance and so on. Social media platforms just need to start taking responsibility. They have the tools in place to do so.”

Read ( or listen ( to the interview.

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