The master specialisation Cultural Economics and Entrepreneurship at Erasmus University Rotterdam will jumpstart your career in the cultural sector. You can work at the heart of (international) cultural organisations, government agencies, NGO's or SME's, developing new business strategies, as PR adviser or policy maker. You can also start a career as a journalist, consultant or teacher.
Due to your ability to apply cutting edge economic theories to long-term cultural developments and trends, you are much sought-after in consultancies, private businesses as well as public institutions. The broad international and interdisciplinary scope of the master specialisation will also give you job prospects in the field of NGOs and international non-profit institutions. Recently, the cultural sector has seen a rise in the amount of small businesses and freelancers specialized in a particular creative niche. Cultural Economics and Entrepreneurship also stimulates the creative, entrepreneurial spirit, fully equipping you to start your own creative business.
Academic career
Graduates of the master specialisation may be eligible for an abridged programme of the Research Master Sociology of Culture, Media and the Arts. The programme will prepare you to carry out research in sociology, arts and culture studies, or in media studies, for example as a PhD student. The selection procedure for this research master targets academically motivated and highly talented students.
Career Days
During your master specialisation you will already start to work towards a future in the labour market as a cultural scholar. Every year the Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication organises Career Days, where you can meet graduates and the companies and/or institutions where they are employed now. Furthermore, you meet institutions where you can conduct the research for your master’s thesis. By doing your research within an institution, you already gain experience as a cultural economist in the labour market.