Disi Ye

Portrait Disi Ye (Media & Business Alumna)
The writing component of Media and Business definitely prepared me for working in corporate communications. I need to be a chameleon, and write in different styles for different audiences.

Disi Ye

Alumna Master Media & Business

Why did you choose the Master Media and Business? Was it a conscious choice for a specific career path? What other factors contributed to your decision?
I was always interested in corporate communications during my Bachelor in Communication and Media (IBCoM), and was looking for a master programme to specialize in that field. I talked to the teachers and students of the Media and Business programme to learn more about the content. They told me about the programme’s focus on practical skills that I could fall back on when I would enter a company, which was what I was looking for. Basically, that is why I chose this programme.

Has the Media and Business programme lived up to your expectations?
Yes, definitely. It includes a lot of corporate case studies, which prepare you for life after university.

How long did it take you to find a job after graduation?
It took me two months. It was a full-time commitment: every day I got up at nine and sent out applications until six. It’s definitely a full-time job to apply for a full-time job, which I think is something that people tend to forget. You need to search actively and be on top of things all the time. 

For which organization or company do you currently work, and what is your position in the company or organization?
I work for Shell, as an External Relations Advisor.

How did you find your first job?
I was always thinking of applying to Shell, as it was definitely in my top five of companies I want to work for. However, I thought a job at Shell might be too technical for me, as I don’t really know much about chemicals or engineering. But then I talked to a few recruiters who encouraged me to apply, as they thought I would be a good fit for the company. The application process was just like any other large company: you apply on their website, you go through a whole process where they break you down and build you back up. I made it through five application rounds, and got the job.

What are your most prominent tasks?
I work for internal communications so I work inside the company, explaining and communicating to employees. Because Shell is such a massive company, the internal communications team is quite large as well. My clients consist out of different departments throughout the company. I am involved with setting up internal campaigns and organizing communications on a strategic and practical level. It’s been a very steep learning curve. Communications is not an exact science, so it’s important to know your audience well to get the message across.

Which components of your Master are useful in your current position or career trajectory?
Essay writing came in very handy, and was a really good way to prepare for a job like this. The writing component of Media and Business definitely prepared me for working in corporate communications. I need to be a chameleon, and write in different styles for different audiences.

Any advice for new graduates?
I think it’s really important to not become desperate throughout the job application process. I know that looking for a job can really crush your spirit, but it is important that you don’t let that happen. There are jobs out there. You might not get exactly what you set out for, but in the end you will get there. It’s just a matter of time.

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