Training and courses

The Graduate school 

All PhD candidates are a member of the Erasmus Graduate School of Social Sciences and the Humanities (EGSH) and can participate in the training offered by the Graduate School without any cost.  

The training PhD candidates receive as part of their appointment (i.e., methodology, theory, writing skills, publication training, etc.) involves one of two tracks. What track the PhD candidate follows is determined by whether they completed a Research master’s programme before starting the PhD.  

Compulsory elements are training in Data Management and in Scientific Integrity offered by the EGSH.  

National Research Schools 

The National Research Schools offer inter-university education that is complementary to what the EGSH is offering. The schools provide courses and training for PhD candidates and Research Master students. Additionally, they function as important discussion platforms that play a stimulating role in the development of (research) collaborations and generate critical mass for smaller or fragmented fields. 

Here are some relevant and interesting national schools to look at: 

Enrolment into a National Research School should be discussed with PhD supervisors. Information on how to register will be provided after you enroll in the PhD program at ERMeCHS. 

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