Research Ethics Review Committee

The Research Ethics Review Committee is independent.

The aim of the ESHCC Research Ethics Review Committee (RERC) is to help researchers to minimize the ethical risks associated with their upcoming research.

  • Background ESHCC
    Jing-Yi Magraw

    Ethics Review Secretary

  • Portrait of Amanda Paz Alencar
    Dr. Amanda Paz Alencar

    Media & Communication

  • Portrait picture of Daniel Trottier
    Dr. Daniel Trottier

    Media & Communication, Chair

  • Portrait picture of Iwona Gusc
    Dr. Iwona Gusc


  • Portrait picture of Simone Driessen
    Dr. Simone Driessen

    Arts & Culture Studies

  • Portrait picture of Daniel Curtis
    Dr. Daniel Curtis


  • Portrait picture of Naomi Oosterman
    Dr. Naomi Oosterman

    Arts & Culture Studies

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