Electives Media & Communication

Below is the list of undergraduate courses available in 2024-2025. More information on the content of the course can be found by searching for the course code (CMxxxx) in the EUR Course Catalogue. Please note that IBCoM's education is based on small interactive classes - therefore capacity is limited and attendance to almost all courses is mandatory. All courses are worth 5 EC.

Please note that this page is for:

  • Exchange students from other faculties than ESHCC
  • Students that do not study IBCoM but other programmes at EUR and want to take an IBCoM course as an elective. Please carefully check the requirements for taking IBCoM courses as an elective for your study programme.

Please note that there are some requirements:

  • Only students from English-taught EUR study programmes with an enrolment for the current Academic Year can sign up for our courses. The only exceptions to this are ESHCC students from Dutch programmes and Bedrijfskunde students. Students from other Dutch-taught programmes do not have access to our courses.
  • Students from outside of EUR have no access to our courses (such as external Minor students).
  • You can sign up for a maximum of one course per term. If you sign up for more than one course per term, you will be randomly unenrolled from extra courses.

Course Offer 2024-2025


Course registration

Group registration

Late Registration

Open 9 AMClose 9 AMOpen 9 AMClose 9 AMOpen 9 AMClose 9 AM
Courses Term 129 July 20242 Aug 202412 Aug 202416 Aug 202421 Aug 202423 Aug 2024
Courses Term 221 Oct 202425 Oct 202430 Oct 20241 Nov 2024
Courses Term 32 Dec 20246 Dec 202413 Jan 202517 Jan 202522 Jan 202524 Jan 2025
Courses Term 417 Mar 202521 Mar 202526 Mar 202528 Mar 2025

  • CM2001 - International and Global Communication
  • CM2030 - Media and Politics (Only for students from the Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication)
  • CM2033 - The Business of Media
  • CM2034 - ICTs in the Global South
  • CM2040 - Media Campaigns
  • CM2052 - Transmedia Entertainment & Marketing
  • CM2075 - Fundamentals and Practices of International Journalism (Only for students from the Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication)
  • CM2076 - Diversity in Popular Culture and Advertising
  • CM2078 - Management and Leadership in Media Organisations
  • CM2093 - Digital Marketing
  • CM2098 - Designing Politics in the Digital Era

  • CM1012 - Media Industries and Audiences
  • CM1013 - Key Concepts in Social Sciences
  • CM2011 - Digital Content
  • CM2032 - Currrent Perspectives on Popular culture (Only for students from the Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication)
  • CM2041 - Corporate Communication
  • CM2042- Communication and International Relations
  • CM2043 - International Journalism (Only for students from the Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication)
  • CM2046 - Media Audiences and Effects (Only for students from the Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication)
  • CM2049 - Global Advertising
  • CM2050 - Media Industries: Trends and Strategies
  • CM2052B - Transmedia Entertainment & Marketing
  • CM2062 - Consumer Behavior & Marketing Action
  • CM2079- Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Media and Creative Industries
  • CM2085 - Creativity and Innovation in Contemporary Business
  • CM2088 - Digital Media and Health
  • CM2099 - Media repertoires and their social ramifications
  • CM2274 - Social Media Marketing

Not yet updated. The list below is based on the course offer of the 2023-2024 Academic Year.

  • CM1008 - Media Systems in Comparative Perspective
  • CM1009 - Communication as a Social Force
  • CM1014 - Communication and Organisations
  • CM2010 - Communication Management
  • CM2021 - New Media and Interaction
  • CM2026 - Intercultural Communication at Work
  • CM2027 - Cultural Identities and New Media
  • CM2054 - Media and Consumer Culture
  • CM2060 - Cinema and Society
  • CM2065 - Argumentation and Rhetoric in the Public Sphere
  • CM2066 - Privacy, Surveillance and New Media Technologies
  • CM2072 - Consumer Behaviour & Marketing Action
  • CM2074 - Social Media Marketing
  • CM2079 - Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Media and Creative Industries
  • CM2080 - Television Industries in the Age of Streaming
  • CM2081 - Consumer Perceptions of Corporate Social Responsibility
  • CM2083B - Consumer behaviour and Brand Loyalty
  • CM2086 - Communicating (in)equality in the City
  • CM2090 - Technology, Media and Identity
  • CM2091 - Media, Games, and Creative Industry
  • CM2095 - Crisis Management: Leadership in Action
  • CM2230 - Media and Politics
  • CM2234 - ICTs and Emerging Markets
  • CM3010 - Communication Ethics

Not yet updated. The list below is based on the course offer of the 2023-2024 Academic Year.

  • CM1007 - Communication Technologies and their Impacts
  • CM1010 - Intercultural Communication
  • CM2022 - Trust and trust-alternatives in strategic communication
  • CM2023 - Digital games and society in the age of the metaverse
  • CM2029 - Digital Media Analysis
  • CM2048 - War Representations in Media and Culture
  • CM2049A - Global Advertising [Cancelled]
  • CM2064 - Cinemas in Context
  • CM2071 - Science Fiction and Media
  • CM2083 - Consumer Behaviour and Brand Loyalty
  • CM2087 - Public Speaking
  • CM2089 - Message Framing and Persuasion
  • CM2097 - Environmental Protest Culture and Media
  • CM2252 - Transmedia Entertainment & Marketing
  • CM2293 - Digital Marketing

Course registration procedure

Below you can find four manuals, elaborating on the new course registration procedure.


For enquiries, please note the following:

  • Use your EUR student email to contact our offices - we cannot process emails sent from personal external email addresses.
  • Please do not ask for access to our courses if you do not meet the requirements listed at the top of this page; there are no exceptions to what's already explained on this page.

You can reach us at ibcomstudents@eshcc.eur.nl.

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