Our next ERMeCHS lunch seminar will take place on Thursday, 14th December, 12:00 - 13:00, in Polak 2.20. This seminar is hosted by the Yoda Support Team at EUR, and will also be accessible online via Zoom. Please contact trottier@eshcc.eur.nl for more information.
EUR Yoda - a storage and archive solution for research data
EUR Yoda is an application that supports you as an EUR researcher to store, manage and share valuable data during all phases of your research project: from the safe and easy storage of data during the research process, to the sharing of data within research groups and projects and ultimately to research data archiving.
Yoda also helps to make data FAIR by providing a solution that enables data discovery and sharing (i.e. findable, accessible). It facilitates and enforces the use of metadata, thereby contributing to data interoperability and reusability. Yoda provides a platform for the implementation of standard workflows that can ensure metadata quality satisfies (institutional) policy requirements, for example, for data archiving (and publication in the future).
During the session we will present what Yoda is and how you can benefit from storing your research data there. We will also provide a demo to show you what working with Yoda looks like.