Does music make us more social or anti-social?

Julian Schaap interviewed on De Nacht van… NTR Wetenschap
Julian Schaap bij De Nacht van...
De Nacht van... NTR Wetenschap

Everyone has an association with music, it comes in all sorts of genres and there is something for everyone. Music can help you, for instance to concentrate or in coping with emotions, and this can also be on a social level, to mourn together or just celebrating something beautiful. Music mainly seems to provide fraternisation, but is that really the case? Or is there more behind that one song you've been playing for ages? Julian Schaap (Arts and Culture) was a guest on De Nacht van… NTR Wetenschap to provide insight and talk about his research.

Julian is a cultural sociologist and does scientific research into the sociology behind music. So, he does not research music itself, but rather what music does to people and vice versa: what people do with music. At NTR, Julian talks about the connection between music and inequality, about the healing powers of music and, of course, about his own favourite music. Together, Julian and presenter Ruben listen to different genres of music and discuss different aspects of the sociology behind it. Also discussed is Julian's recent research at Lowlands, in which he investigated whether music genres influence coping with pain.

More information

Curious to hear more about the conversation between Julian and Ruben on De Nacht van… NTR Wetenschap? Listen it back here (in Dutch).

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