dr. (Christian) CW Handke


Christian Handke is Associate Professor (with ius promovendi) of Cultural Economics at Erasmus University Rotterdam. His research focuses on cultural economics and the economics of copyright, innovation and technological change, cultural/creative and media industries, as well as on text and data mining and systematic literature reviews. Christian Handke's work has been published in leading specialized journals, such as the Journal of Cultural Economics and Information Economics & Policy. For further information, see Christian Handke's CV.

In 2010, Christian Handke received his doctorate in economics at Erasmus University Rotterdam with highest distinction. He also holds an M.A. with distinction in Science, Technology and Society, specialization Innovation Economics, from Linköping University (Sweden) and a B.A. (Hons) in European Studies from the University of North London.

Christian Handke has also worked at the Centre for British Studies of Humboldt University Berlin (2003 to 2007) and at the Institute for Information Law at University of Amsterdam, where he participated in research projects on cultural industries and copyright. At Erasmus University, he was programme director of the Master in Cultural Economics and Entrepreneurship from 2012 to 2018, and Christian serves in the Faculty Council since 2017. 

He has consulted for a variety of public and private organizations, including the European Commission, the National Academies of the Sciences (USA), Industry Canada, the UK Intellectual Property Office, the federal German Expert Commission on Research and Innovation (EFI), and the federal German Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection. He also has work experience in cultural event management, for instance for the EXPO 2000 world exhibition in Hannover, and as music producer.

From 2018 and 2022, Christian Handke has been President of the Society for Economic Research on Copyright Issues (SERCI). He is Executive Board member of the Association of Cultural Economics International (ACEI) and Associated Editor of the Journal of Cultural Economics.

Please note: I am deliberatly NOT a social media user, nor an optimizer of platform content (for instance Pure, Researchgate, and so on). I do not 'follow' or 'like', but I am happy if you get in touch via email at handke@eshcc.eur.nl 

For regularly updated information, please access Christian Handke's CV.

Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication

Associate professor | Department of Arts and Culture Studies
Burg. Oudlaan 50, Rotterdam

More information


  • Christian Handke (2021) - Compensation Systems to Fix Copyright Conundrums: The Cultural Economics Perspective
  • Christian Handke (2021) - Incentives for New Initiatives – Costs and Potential New Trade-offs in the Data Economy
  • Christian Handke (2020) - Our collective future in cultural industries: An economic analysis of copyright management organizations and digitalization
  • Christian Handke (2019) - Data, Technology and Copyright Management in the Era of Streaming Platforms
  • Christian Handke (2019) - Economics of Copyright and Empirical Research
  • Christian Handke (2019) - What Are Cultural Industries – and Why Do We Care?
  • Christian Handke (2018) - Truce in the Copyright War – An Economist’s Perspective
  • Christian Handke (2018) - Market Power in the Information Economy: Price competition with fixed Costs and Incomplete Market Capture
  • Carolina Dalla Chiesa, Christian Handke & A Pavlova (2018) - Crowdfunding in the Cultural and Creative Industries: a Bibliometric-thematic analysis
  • Christian Handke (2017) - Technology changes, economic laws stay the same? A response to Lemley’s ‘IP in a world without scarcity’

Master Thesis

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The Cultural Economic Perspective

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Minor, Other
Course Code

Cultural Economics: Theory

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