Dr. Delia Dumitrica has joined Erasmus University's Department of Media and Communication in 2015 with a research and teaching expertise in Political Communication. Her research focuses on protest communication, digital activism and the discursive construction of the political functions of new media. In addition to this, she preserves a side research interest in everyday and banal forms of nationalism. She is a co-investigator in the project "Social Media and Civic Culture: Investigating Emerging Practices of Democratic Participation in Canada" (funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council in Canada) and an NWO ASPASIA grantee. She holds a PhD in Communication from the University of Calgary, Canada. Her dissertation examined policy, journalistic, and everyday understandings of the Internet in Canada.
In addition to her research agenda, Dr. Dumitrica is also involved in educational innovation. As a Fellow of the EUR's Center for Learning and Innovation, she has explored the use of digital learning objects in teaching qualitative research methods. She has recently been awarded a Comenius Senior Fellowship for her project entitled "Adaptive digital enviornments for qualitative research learning".
Dr. Dumitrica is also a member and currently the co-chair of the Young Erasmus Academy.
Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication
More information
- Xiaoyu Zhang, Delia Dumitrica & Jeroen Jansz (2024) - Naturalised athletes as national icons: official and netizen narratives of Eileen Gu in the 2022 Winter Olympics - Sport in Society - doi: 10.1080/17430437.2024.2438000 - [link]
- Camil Ungureanu & Delia Dumitrica (2024) - Strong women, carnival populism, and Romania's new far-right leader - [link]
- Delia Dumitrica (2024) - Vol vertrouwen de nieuwe wereld in: Gesprekken over de journalistiek - [link]
- M. A.U.D.J.E. van Roessel & Delia Dumitrica (2024) - Living in a world with(out) racism: everyday reflexivity among older White Dutch - Ethnic and Racial Studies - doi: 10.1080/01419870.2024.2346199 - [link]
- Xiaoyu Zhang, Delia Dumitrica & Jeroen Jansz (2024) - Mapping Chinese Digital Nationalism: A Literature Review - International Journal of Communication, 18, 1891-1912 - [link]
- Giuliana Sorce & Delia Dumitrica (2022) - From school strikes to webinars: Mapping the forced digitalization of Fridays for Future’s activism during the COVID-19 pandemic - Convergence, 29 (3), 1-16 - doi: 10.1177/13548565221148112 - [link]
- Georgia Gaden Jones & Delia Dumitrica (2022) - Can we really have nice things? Preparing for the Metavers - Baltic Screen Media Review, 10 (2), 214-223 - [link]
- Delia Dumitrica & Hester Hockin-Boyers (2022) - Slideshow activism on Instagram: constructing the political activist subject - Information Communication and Society, 26 (16), 1-19 - doi: 10.1080/1369118X.2022.2155487 - [link]
- Victoria Balan & Delia Dumitrica (2022) - Technologies of last resort: The discursive construction of digital activism in Wired and Time magazine, 2010–2021 - New Media and Society, 26 (9), 1-20 - doi: 10.1177/14614448221135886 - [link]
- Delia Dumitrica & Paulina Jarmula (2022) - Teaching Qualitative Research Methods in Media and Communication: The Benefits and Limitations of Digital Learning Objects - Qualitative Report, 27 (9), 1934-1951 - doi: 10.46743/2160-3715/2022.5256 - [link]
- Giuliana Sorce & Delia Dumitrica (2022) - Transnational dimensions in digital activism and protest - Review of Communication, 22 (3), 157-174 - doi: 10.1080/15358593.2022.2107877 - [link]
- Delia Dumitrica (2022) - Superheroes, emojis or brands: How can transnational symbols help local protest? - [link]
- Delia Dumitrica & Alexandra Schwinges (2022) - Agents of Change and Contentious Agents Interwoven Narratives in the Visual Representations of the Protester in News Magazine Covers - International Journal of Communication, 16, 5647-5673 - [link]
- Delia Dumitrica (2021) - When protest humor is not all fun: The ambiguity of humor in the 2017 Romanian anti-corruption grassroots mobilization - European Journal of Communication, 37 (2), 181-197 - doi: 10.1177/02673231211046783 - [link]
- Giuliana Sorce & Delia Dumitrica (2021) - Lessen voor klimaatactivisme in een tijd van crisis - [link]
- Delia Dumitrica (2021) - Integrating Social Media in NGO Strategic Communication: Lessons From Dutch NGOs' Communication Practices - doi: 10.4324/9781003188636-6
- Delia Dumitrica & Giuliana Sorce (2021) - Climate activism in a time of crisis: Lessons from Fridays for Future’s environmental framing during the COVID-19 pandemic - [link]
- Delia Dumitrica (2021) - The renewed visibility of populism: are social media the culprit? - [link]
- Delia Dumitrica (2021) - “Chuck Norris, please help!”: Transnational cultural flows in the 2017 anti-corruption protests in Romania - Media and Communication, 9 (3), 239-248 - doi: 10.17645/mac.v9i3.4260 - [link]
- Delia Dumitrica (24 March 2023) - Leven in het internet Metaverse: fantastische nieuwe wereld of verre techdroom?
- Delia Dumitrica (9 March 2023) - Nation in the city
- Delia Dumitrica (15 December 2022) - Instagram posts on protests are important for the historical record and to hold people to account
- Camil Ungureanu & Delia Dumitrica (2024) - New visual politics, nature, and gender in postcommunist Romania (Speaker)
Activity: Oral presentation › Academic - Delia Dumitrica (2024) - Panelist - Building trust with audiences: journalist and newsroom perspectives (Speaker)
Activity: Invited talk › Professional - Victoria Balan, Delia Dumitrica & Alexandra Schwinges (2024) - The visual construction of the Woman, Life, Freedom protests: The protest paradigm & Instagram (Speaker)
Activity: Oral presentation › Academic - Delia Dumitrica & Maja Pivec (2024) - Advantages and limitations of cross-cultural and cross-institutional adoption of digital learning objectS (Speaker)
Activity: Oral presentation › Academic - Delia Dumitrica & Naomi Oosterman (2024) - Do digital resources alleviate learning anxieties? (Speaker)
Activity: Oral presentation › Academic - Naomi Oosterman & Delia Dumitrica (2024) - Leren met digitale materialen: Het studentenperspectief (Speaker)
Activity: Oral presentation › Academic - Delia Dumitrica (2024) - ICA 2024 Pre-conference (Organiser)
Activity: Organising and contributing to an event › Academic - Delia Dumitrica, Alexandra Schwinges & Victoria Balan (2024) - The visual construction of the Woman, Life, Freedom protests: The protest paradigm & Instagram (Speaker)
Activity: Oral presentation › Academic - Delia Dumitrica (2024) - Leveraging digital learning resources for effective methodological teaching (Speaker)
Activity: Oral presentation › Academic - Delia Dumitrica (2024) - Activist vs. News Representations: Visualizing Climate Civil Disobedience in Italy, Germany and the UK (Speaker)
Activity: Oral presentation › Academic
Qual. Methods in Media and Comm.
- Year Level
- BA-2, Pre-master, Pre-master, Pre-master, Pre-master
- Year
- 2024
- Course Code
- CM2006
New Media and Political Communication
- Level
- BA-2
- Year Level
- BA-2
- Year
- 2024
- Course Code
- CM2552
New Media, Politics and Campaigns
- Level
- MA
- Year Level
- MA
- Year
- 2024
- Course Code
- CM4493
Media and Politics
- Year Level
- BA-2, BA-3
- Year
- 2024
- Course Code
- CM2030
Master Thesis
- Level
- MA-2
- Year Level
- MA-2
- Year
- 2024
- Course Code
- CS5050
Master Thesis
- Year Level
- MA, MA, MA, MA, MA
- Year
- 2024
- Course Code
- CM5000
Master Thesis Project
- Year Level
- MA, MA, MA, MA, MA
- Year
- 2024
- Course Code
- CM5050
Studying digital activism
- Year Level
- MA-1, MA-2
- Year
- 2024
- Course Code
- CS5042