prof.dr. (Filip) FRR Vermeylen


Filip Vermeylen (PhD. Columbia University 2002) is Professor of Global Art Markets. He lectures and publishes on various aspects of the economics of art and culture, and is currently the Research Director of the Department of Arts and Culture Studies. He is especially interested in the history and functioning of art markets since the Renaissance, the notion of quality in the visual arts, the role of intermediaries as arbiters of taste and emerging art markets such as India. He is a board member of The International Art Market Association (TIAMSA) and co-founder of the Rotterdam Arts & Sciences Lab ( Together with Christian Huemer (Belvedere, Vienna), he is currently writing a book on the history of the art market.

Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication

Full professor | Department of Arts and Culture Studies
Burg. Oudlaan 50, Rotterdam

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  • Filip Vermeylen (11 September 2019) - Rubens
  • Filip Vermeylen (4 September 2019) - Jan van Eyck
  • Filip Vermeylen (2 January 2017) - John Maynard Keynes
  • Filip Vermeylen (17 December 2016) - De man achter John Maynard Keynes
  • Filip Vermeylen (26 October 2016) - Art as investment

  • Filip Vermeylen (2023) - Art Markets: an integrated perspective
  • Uli Hahn & Filip Vermeylen (2023) - Mirror or Hammer? News Media Coverage of Climate-Related Art
  • Filip Vermeylen (2023) - Crossing Boundaries: Dealers and the Internationalization of the Art Trade in Early Modern Europe
  • Filip Vermeylen (2022) - Leonardo goes East. The rise of market for visual arts in Asia
  • Ellen Loots, Filip Vermeylen & Anne-Sophie Radermecker (2022) - Markets for applied arts, artistic crafts, and design
  • Uli Hahn & Filip Vermeylen (2020) - High Profile Artists, Museums and Exhibitions and their Ecological Messages
  • Filip Vermeylen (2020) - De kunst van het samenwerken. Artistieke partnerships in Antwerpen tijdens de zestiende en zeventiende eeuw
  • Filip Vermeylen (2020) - Art market research in Asia: challenges and opportunities
  • Filip Vermeylen & Bhagyalakshmi Daga (2019) - Caught in the wheels of commerce: The commercialization of traditional art in India
  • Filip Vermeylen (2019) - The export of Antwerp carved altarpieces to the Baltic during the sixteenth century

History of the Art Market

Year Level
BA-2, BA-2, BA-3, BA-3
Course Code

Master Thesis

Year Level
Course Code

Money and the Fine Arts

Year Level
Minor, Other
Course Code

News regarding prof.dr. (Filip) FRR Vermeylen

PhD in the Humanities Grant for Arts & Culture research

The research project "Imagining climate change: The visual arts to the rescue?" by Ulrike Hahn has received a PhD in the Humanities grant. 
Ulrike Hahn

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