Ofra Klein is an Assistant Professor in Mediatisation and Digitalisation within the Erasmus School of History, Culture, and Communication (ESHCC) at Erasmus University Rotterdam. Her primary research focuses on the radical right and online political mobilization. Holding a PhD in Political and Social Sciences from the European University Institute, she has previously held academic positions at the Scuola Normale Superiore, the Berkman Klein Center for Internet and Society at Harvard University, and VU University Amsterdam. Her work has appeared in international journals such as European Societies, Information, Communication & Society, and the Journal of Information Technology & Politics. She participates, through her research and teaching, in the SSH-Breed programme The Digital Society.
Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication
More information
- Ofra Klein (2024) - Anti-immigrant rhetoric of populist radical right leaders on social media platforms - Communications: the European journal of communication research (print), 49 (3), 400-420 - doi: 10.1515/commun-2023-0113 - [link]
- Ofra Klein, Hans-Joerg Trenz & Nadine Hesse (2024) - Political conflict on Instagram during the COVID-19 pandemic in Europe: Challenges of a cross-country comparison of visual content - Journal of Information Technology & Politics, 21 (3), 274-287 - doi: 10.1080/19331681.2024.2308886
- Jasper Muis, Ofra Klein & G Dijkstra (2021) - Challenges and opportunities of social media research: using Twitter and Facebook to investigate far right discourses
- Ofra Klein (2021) - Monitoring media pluralism in the digital era: application of the Media Pluralism Monitor in the European Union, Albania, Montenegro, The Republic of North Macedonia, Serbia & Turkey in the year 2020: country report: The Netherlands
- Ofra Klein (2021) - The Effects of Censoring the Far-Right Online - [link]
- Ofra Klein & Andrea Pirro (2020) - Reverting trajectories? UKIP’s organisational and discursive change after the Brexit referendum - Information Communication and Society, 24 (10), 1382-1400 - doi: 10.1080/1369118X.2020.1792532
- Ofra Klein (2020) - Misleading memes: The effects of deceptive visuals of the British National Party - Partecipazione e Conflitto, 13 (1), 154-179 - doi: 10.1285/i20356609v13i1p154
- Ofra Klein & Prashanth Bhat (2020) - Covert hate speech: white nationalists and dog whistle communication on Twitter
- Ofra Klein (2020) - How is the Far Right Capitalizing on COVID-19? - [link]
- Ofra Klein & Jasper Muis (2019) - Online discontent: comparing Western European far-right groups on Facebook - European Societies, 21 (4), 540-562
- Ofra Klein (22 October 2024) - Humor en memes als politiek machtsmiddel in Amerika
- Ofra Klein (8 April 2024) - Hondenfluitjes: de giftige schaduwtaal van het internet
- Ofra Klein (1 December 2023) - Radicaal-rechts lijkt op sociale media een gezellig clubje
- Ofra Klein (20 September 2023) - ”Aina vaan ne suomalaiset” – näin Hollannin laitaoikeisto puhuu maahanmuuttajien tekemistä rikoksista ["Always only the Finns" - this is how the Dutch far-right talks about crimes committed by immigrants]
- Ofra Klein (20 September 2023) - Yle Uutiset
- Ofra Klein (5 January 2022) - Kunnen we nog op een normale manier verschillend denken?
- Ofra Klein (16 December 2019) - „Die Zensur führt zu mehr Wut“
- Ofra Klein (16 December 2019) - Warum rechter Populismus in Luxemburg (noch) nicht wirkt
- Ofra Klein (2024) - Audio-visual storytelling far-right (Speaker)
Activity: Invited talk › Academic - Charlotte Bruns, Ofra Klein, Pieter Van den Heede & Jay (Ju-Sung) Lee (2024) - Visual Data in a Digital World: Exploring Innovative Methods (Participant)
Activity: Organising and contributing to an event › Academic - Ofra Klein (2024) - Mobilizing Political Dissent through Audiovisual Fiction (Speaker)
Activity: Oral presentation › Academic - Ofra Klein (2024) - Analysing Images from Social Media (Speaker)
Activity: Invited talk › Academic - Ofra Klein (2024) - Radical Right Leaders (Self)-Presentation across Social Media Platforms (Speaker)
Activity: Oral presentation › Academic - Hans-Joerg Trenz & Ofra Klein (2024) - Applied Methods of Visual Content Analysis. Doing cross-country comparison (Speaker)
Activity: Invited talk › Academic - Ofra Klein (2024) - Data Driven Campaigning and Voter Surveillance (Speaker)
Activity: Invited talk › Academic - Charlotte Bruns, Ofra Klein & Jasper Vanhaelemeesch (2024) - Etmaal Pre-Conference ‘Analyzing Visual Communication’ (Organiser)
Activity: Organising and contributing to an event › Academic - Ofra Klein (2024) - The Tactics of the Far-right online (Speaker)
Activity: Invited talk › Academic - Ofra Klein (2024) - Journal of Contemporary European Studies (Journal) (Reviewer)
Activity: Publication Peer-review › Academic
New Media, Culture and Entertainment
- Level
- BA-2
- Year Level
- BA-2
- Year
- 2024
- Course Code
- CM2553
- Level
- BA-2
- Year Level
- BA-2
- Year
- 2024
- Course Code
- CM3041
Digital Citizenship and Community Engage
- Level
- MA
- Year Level
- MA
- Year
- 2024
- Course Code
- CM4605
Designing Politics in the Digital Era
- Year Level
- BA-2, BA-3
- Year
- 2024
- Course Code
- CM2098
Master Thesis
- Year Level
- MA, MA, MA, MA, MA
- Year
- 2024
- Course Code
- CM5000
Master Thesis Project
- Year Level
- MA, MA, MA, MA, MA
- Year
- 2024
- Course Code
- CM5050
Premaster Research Project
- Year Level
- Pre-master, Pre-master, Pre-master, Pre-master
- Year
- 2024
- Course Code
- CM0070