Why this programme

Media Studies

The step from a University of Applied Sciences to a research university such as Erasmus is quite big. At the University, you have less contact hours, more reading materials, and you are expected to work more independently and conduct your own research. If you’ve obtained a bachelor diploma in a different field than Media Studies, a pre-master is necessary too.

Bridging the knowledge gap

The pre-master helps you to bridge both the studyload as the knowledge gap between your prior education and our master specialisations Media & Business, Media & Creative Industries, Media, Culture & Society, and Media & Journalistiek (NL). As a pre-master student, you will enroll in the crucial courses from the International Bachelor Communication and Media. These are accompanied by courses especially designed for the pre-master specialisation.

During the pre-master you will learn about relevant theories in the field of media studies. But you will also focus on writing papers and research reports and conducting your own research. 

Five reasons to choose the pre-master Media Studies at the EUR:

  • You will be challenged to think critically about current issues developments in the field of media and communication;
  • you will improve your academic and research skills and learn how to make a solid analysis and present your ideas to an audience;
  • you will immerse yourself in an interactive, engaging, personal and inclusive programme at a top university;
  • you will adequately prepare yourself for a follow-up career in the field of media and communication;
  • when you successfully finish the pre-master, you gain direct access to the corresponding Media Studies Master (Media & Business, Media & Creative Industries, Media, Culture & Society or Media & Journalistiek (NL))

A word from our students

Valentina Ughetto Piampaschetto

Valentina Ughetto Piampaschetto - Student Pre-master Media Studies

The most interesting part was not the content but the atmosphere and openness to debate during the lessons.
Portrait picture of Valentina Ughetto Piampaschetto
The most interesting part was not the content but the atmosphere and openness to debate during the lessons.

Choosing what you want to study and what you want to become in your professional life is not an easy process. After living abroad for three years, studying Translation and Communication in Switzerland, I was not too sure if that was the career I wanted to pursue. Therefore, I found myself at a crossroads: either I would continue with my previous education in my Master, or I would start over somewhere else. And that is exactly what I did.

When I attended the Master Open Day of Erasmus University, I was immediately positively struck by the premaster Media Studies, which allows you to choose some electives and focus on what you like the most. I am currently attending the premaster in Media & Business. The most positive aspects about the premaster are the courses that allow me to bridge the knowledge gap I had due to my background, but also the environment of my classes and seminars.

Atmosphere and openness to debate

One of my favorite courses so far is Media and Communication Theory. The most interesting part was not the content but the atmosphere and openness to debate during the lessons. Being in a predominantly international environment with people from different backgrounds, the lectures turned into an exchange of knowledge and personal experiences, bringing examples from the media of our own countries. This allowed me not only to increase my knowledge but also to develop a critical sense and expand my worldview.

Satisfaction of studying

Living abroad in a country you do not know and where you do not speak your native language can be challenging at times. Feeling overwhelmed and homesick is completely natural. After living in Rotterdam for six months now, I can definitely say that I do not regret my decision of coming here and study at Erasmus university. The tough moments I have been through are being rewarded with the satisfaction of finally studying what I want to become.

Future plans

My future plans are of course graduating from the premaster and the master specialisation. In terms of career, I would like to work in public relations, who knows, maybe right here in Rotterdam, which I can finally call “my city”!

Portrait picture of Valentina Ughetto Piampaschetto

Sophie Rasmussen

Sophie Rasmussen - Student Pre-master Media Studies

I feel like the premaster Media Studies has improved a lot of my academic skills.
Portrait picture of Sophie Rasmussen
I feel like the premaster Media Studies has improved a lot of my academic skills.

Prior to joining the premaster Media Studies at Erasmus University, I graduated in International Media & Entertainment Management at the Inholland University of Applied Sciences in The Hague.

Academic Skills

Since my bachelor was on an HBO level, I had to do the premaster Media Studies to qualify for the master specialisation Media & Business. At first, I didn’t think I needed the premaster since my bachelor had a lot of similar courses. However, ever since joining the premaster, I have come to enjoy it, and feel that it has truly improved a lot of my academic skills, such as writing, conducting research, APA referencing, statistics and much more.

New perspective

Before starting the premaster Media Studies, I didn’t expect the courses to be as exciting as they are. However, I have really appreciated getting a new perspective on them. The lecturers and professors are doing a great job at teaching the individual classes, and they make the course very engaging and interesting by using relevant and up-to-date case studies. Furthermore, I enjoy that there are not only lectures, but also tutorials, which allow for great dialogues with my peers, and the lecturers.

Engaging classrooms

So far, I have enjoyed the courses Media & Communication Theory, and Academic Skills the most. I love that the students engage with each other in the classroom. We had discussions about various sorts of topics that revolve around media, while also receiving the opportunity to gain perspectives from different cultures and countries.

International future

I am interested in marketing, advertising and event management and hope to pursue a career within this field in the future. Growing up in Luxembourg, an international environment always surrounded me due to the large variety of cultures and languages that are spoken. Therefore, I am also quite open to starting my career in various countries. I would however prefer to work for an international company, which would hopefully allow me to put my language and intercultural skills to use. 

Portrait picture of Sophie Rasmussen

Destina Ozgul

Destina Ozgul - Student Pre-master Media Studies

It is a plus to build connections, especially since I would like to work in an international environment in the future.
Portrait picture of Destina Ozgul
It is a plus to build connections, especially since I would like to work in an international environment in the future.

Before I started the premaster Media Studies, I finished the study International Business & Languages, at the Avans University of Applied Sciences in Den Bosch. During my bachelor I did several internships, which were all focused on marketing.

So far, I have found working in marketing interesting and might want to pursue this after my studies. I see myself working in an international company and I think the master specialisation Media & Business will prepare me well for this.

For me, the most interesting thing about studying at Erasmus University is the fact that different cultures and backgrounds come together. I find it immensely instructive to be able to work with people from around the world. In addition, it is a plus to build connections, especially since I would like to work in an international environment in the future. I also find the way of teaching enormously engaging. This ensures that you are always well prepared for the lessons and that you’re able to give good input.

My favourite course so far is Media & Communication Theory, we took this course in the first semester. Within this course, we learned to take an international, comparative perspective to media processes and influences. And we also gained the skills to systematically analyse and critically reflect on fundamental practical issues in the field of mass mediated communication. To me, these subjects are quite interesting.

During the first semester, we took the course Introduction to social science research. For me, this was a rather difficult course. During my bachelor I had been taught to research in a different way which caused me to lag compared to my classmates. However, it is definitely all doable as long as you keep up with everything, follow all the classes and keep an active attitude!

Portrait picture of Destina Ozgul

Naomi Alcocer

Naomi Alcocer - Student pre-master Media Studies

I really recommend this pre-master to anyone that would like to get more familiar with the media field while being in a fun and international environment.
Portrait photo Naomi Alcocer
I really recommend this pre-master to anyone that would like to get more familiar with the media field while being in a fun and international environment.

After finishing my bachelor’s in International Media & Entertainment Management, I wanted to continue and gain more knowledge on the media field. The pre-master Media Studies was very captivating as I would not only learn more about media, but also get the chance to improve my academic skills.

Inspirational theories

The most interesting part of the pre-master for me, is the course Media and Communication Theory. This course in particular conveyed numbers of theories, concepts by academic professionals, that were very eye-opening and interesting - such as Hegemony, Spiral of Silence, Cultural imperialism. These theories sparked inspiration for my future thesis.

Time management

However, there were a few bumps in the road that helped me improve my time management. During the 6th to 8th week of the first term, a lot of deadlines start accumulating and exams get closer. The pressure starts to be evident. However, planning everything I needed to do, and setting my own deadlines, made studying for the exams and meeting my deadlines easy and achievable.

All in all, I really recommend this pre-master to anyone that would like to get more familiar with the media field while being in a fun and international environment.

Portrait photo Naomi Alcocer

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