Apply for a micro-grant

The ERMeCC Digital Research Lab Micro-grants provide a flexible system of researcher-lead digital methods innovation.  Grants are available up to 1.000 euros per ERMeCC researcher (anyone with a research appointment, including PhD students) per annum. There will be two annual proposal deadlines, (15 Aug, 15 Feb). With awardees being notified 1 month after the proposal deadline. 

Before you apply, please note that it required that you upload a document in the 8th step of the application form. In this document, please describe the following points:

  • What are your research project’s goals?
  • How will your project be enhanced by the requested digital tools?
  • Please explain why you have chosen each tool/service over its competitors (particularly if a competing tool is already available) and explain whether and how access to the tool(s) can be shared among ERMeCC researchers

Please save the document as a pdf or doc(x) and upload it below at step 8 of the form.

Application form

Type of request Contains required fields
Please indicate the following: Contains required fields

Please upload a document (of max. 1 MB) in which you explain the following:

Do you need to install software on your office computer? (This may cause significant delay.) Contains required fields
Do you need to install software on the lab computer(s)? Contains required fields
One file only.
1 MB limit.
Allowed types: gif, jpg, png, pdf.
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