Key publications

Some key Publications from the Sport and Nation and Sport and Race networks.

Joost Jansen (together with Godfried Engbersen), Have the Olympic Games become more migratory? A Comparative Historical Perspective;

Joost Jansen, Gijsbert Oonk & Godfried Engbersen (2018) Nationality swapping in the Olympic field: towards the marketization of citizenship?, Citizenship Studies 22 (5) 523-539, DOI: 10.1080/13621025.2018.1477921

Gijsbert Oonk Who Are We Actually Cheering On? Sport, Migration, and National Identity in a World-Historical Perspective’, Inaugural lecture (Jean Monnet Chair) Friday October 18, 2019.

Van Campenhout, G., and J. van Sterkenburg (2019). ‘The diversification of national football teams: Using the idea of migration corridors to explore the underlying structures of nationality changes amongst foreign-born players at the football World Cup’. International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 1–26.

Gijs van Campenhout, Jacco van Sterkenburg & Gijsbert Oonk (2019) Who Counts as a Migrant Footballer? A Critical Reflection and Alternative Approach to Migrant Football Players on National Teams at the World Cup, 1930–2018, The International Journal of the History of Sport, DOI: 10.1080/09523367.2019.1581769

Gijs van Campenhout, Jacco van Sterkenburg and Gijsbert Oonk, ‘Has the World Cup become more migratory? A comparative history of foreign-born players in national football teams, c. 1930-2018,’ Comparative Migration Studies2019, 7:22.

Ungruhe, Christian (2019): Sport und die Überwindung von Differenz. Inszenierungen, Hemmnisse und ethnologische Potentiale am Beispiel Fußball und Integration. In: Sabine Klocke-Daffa (ed.), Angewandte Ethnologie – Perspektiven einer anwendungsorientierten Wissenschaft. Wiesbaden: Springer, pp. 577-589.

Van Sterkenburg, J., Peeters, R. & Van Amsterdam, N. (2019). Everyday racism and construction of racial/ethnic difference in and through football talk. European Journal of Cultural Studies, 22, 2, 195-212

Gijsbert Oonk, Sport and nationality: towards thick and thin forms of citizenship, National Identities, DOI: 10.1080/14608944.2020.1815421

Jansen J, Skey M. Who Can Represent the Nation? Elite Athletes, Global Mega Events and the Contested Boundaries of National Belonging. Sociology. 2020;54(6):1194-1211. doi:10.1177/0038038520931997

Longas Luque & Van Sterkenburg (2020). Exploring discourses about race/ethnicity in a Spanish TV football program. Communication & Sport.

Ungruhe, Christian and Sine Agergaard (2020): Migrant athletes and the transformation of physical capital. Spatial and temporal dynamics in West African footballers’ approaches to post-careers, European Journal for Sport and Society [online first].

Ungruhe, Christian and Mads Backer Schmidt (2020): Why are East African players absent in European football? Localizing African football migration along structural constraints, colonial legacies and voluntary immobility, Journal of Sport and Social Issues 44 (5): 397-420.

Ungruhe, Christian and Sine Agergaard (2020): Cultural Transitions? Transcultural and border-crossing activities among sport labour migrants, Sport in Society 23 (4): 717-733.

Ungruhe, Christian and Sine Agergaard (2020): Postcareer Precarity. Occupational challenges among former West African footballers in Northern Europe. In: Todd Cleveland, Tarminder Kaur and Gerard Akindes (eds.), Sports in Africa. Past and Present. Athens: Ohio University Press, pp. 190-203.

Van Lienden, A., & van Sterkenburg, J. (2020). Prejudice in the People’s Game: A Content Analysis of Race/Ethnicity in Polish Televised Football. Communication & Sport.

Bradbury, S.; Lusted, J.  & Van Sterkenburg, J. (Eds.) (2020) ‘Race’, ethnicity and racism in sports coaching. London/New York: Routledge.

Van Sterkenburg, J. (2020). Race, ethnicity, whiteness and mediated stereotypes in football coaching. The Dutch context. In S. Bradbury, J. Lusted & J. Van Sterkenburg (Eds.) Race, ethnicity and racisms in sport coaching (pp. 59-77). London/New York: Routledge

Van Sterkenburg, J. (2020). Migration, race/ethnicity and sport media content: an international overview and suggestions for a future research agenda. In K. De Smet, K. Leurs, M. Georgiou, S. Witteborn & R. Gajjala (Eds.) Sage Handbook of Media & Migration (pp. 387-399). London: Sage

Nationality Swapping in the Olympic Field. Cases and Contexts from the Middle East 1998-2016. To be published in D. Reiche (ed), Routledge Handbook on Sport in the Middle East, Routledge 2021. (Together with Jorn Schulte)

Gijsbert Oonk (2020) Who May Represent the Country? Football, Citizenship, Migration, and National Identity at the FIFA World Cup, The International Journal of the History of Sport, 37:11, 1046-1065, DOI: 10.1080/09523367.2020.1844188

Van Campenhout, G., and J. Jansen (May 2021). ‘Foreign-born sportspeople in the Olympics and the Football World Cup: Migration, Citizenship, and Nationhood’. In Research Handbook on Sports and Society, edited by Elizabeth C.J. Pike, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.

 Van Campenhout, G., and H. van Houtum (2021). ‘‘I am German When we Win, but I am an Immigrant When we Lose’. Theorising on the Deservedness of Migrants in International Football, Using the Case of Mesut Özil’. Sport in Society – Special Issue: Sport and Nationalism: Theoretical Perspectives, Online First. Doi: 10.1080/17430437.2020.1865314.

Darby, Paul, James Esson and Christian Ungruhe (in press, 2022): African Football Migration: Aspirations, Experiences Trajectories. Manchester: Manchester University Press.

Van Lienden, A., Longas Luque, C. and van Sterkenburg, J. (2021) Sport media and the cultural circulation of race/ethnicity: Moving from content analyses to production studies. Northern Lights: Film and Media Studies Yearbook Journal, 19, 1, 9-24.

Seijbel, J., van Sterkenburg, J., Oonk, G., Verhoeven, J., & Wagenaar, W. (In press). Antisemitism in Dutch football from punishment to education. In E. Poulton, Antisemitism in World Football. Routledge.

Van Sterkenburg, J. , De Heer, M. & Mashigo, P. (2021). Sports media professionals reflect on racial stereotypes and ethnic diversity in the organization. Corporate Communications. Accepted for publication July 2021

Van Sterkenburg, J. & Walder, M. (2021). How do audiences of televised English football construct difference based on race/ethnicity?
Language and Intercultural Communication. (invited contribution to special issue). Provisionally accepted with “very minor revisions” that are currently reviewed)

Van Campenhout, G. (In Progress). ‘The Football Nation: A Team of National Representatives? Citizenship, migration, and national belonging  in the football World Cup, 1930-2018’. Ph.D. Dissertation, Rotterdam: Erasmus University.

Longas Luque, C. and Van Sterkenburg. J. (submitted). An analysis of Spanish national football commentary: Discourses about race/ethnicity and its intersections with nationality

Van Lienden. A. & Van Sterkenburg, J. (in progress) Constructions of race/ethnicity and nation in Polish Football.

Seijbel, J., van Sterkenburg, J., Oonk, G. (in press, 2022) Expressing Rivalry Online: antisemitic rhetoric among Dutch football supporters on Twitter. Soccer and Society – Special Issue: Football, Racism(s) and Digital Media. international televised football: a content analysis

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