Mini-conference "History, Gender, Anthropology"

Organised in memory of Karin Willemse
Karin in Darfur
Karin in Darfur

This mini-conference aims to bring together all members of the History department and those interested in the conference themes to share their work, insights and learning about the relationship between history, gender and anthropology. 

This event is held to commemorate the one-year anniversary of the passing of Karin Willemse, whose work engaged with these issues throughout her career in research and teaching. 

9 April 2024 | 12.00 -17.00 | C1-1 Erasmus University

Presenters will share their reflections on the connection between history, gender and anthropology in research and teaching, give research updates on related themes, and share insights from Karin's work as a researcher and teacher.Organisers: Sandra Khor Manickam, Alex van Stipriaan, Lise Zurné 

Preliminary programme:

12.00                    Lunch 

13.00-13.30         Start programme, welcome by Paul van de Laar, Sandra Khor Manickam, Alex van Stipriaan 

13.30-14.30         Panel 1 – Natália da Silva Perez, Daniel Curtis, Robbert-Jan Adriaansen 

Break (30 mins) 

15.00-16.00          Interactive Panel 2 – Annie Heslinga, Jasmin Seijbel, Lise Zurné, Jelena Beocanin, Siri Driessen. 

16.30-17.00          Roundtable, wrap-up discussion  

17.00                     Drinks (combined with alumni event)

For more information click here. Registration via this link

Portrait of Karin Willemse
Karin Willemse

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