Happiness at work in the Eindhoven region

The question whether people are happy in their job is gaining more and more interest. Consequently, we would like to invite you to take part in a survey into the current levels of happiness within Eindhoven’s business community. The survey is being carried out by Erasmus University Rotterdam/Erasmus Happiness Economics Research Organisation (EHERO) on the initiative of Fontys Hogescholen HRM & Psychology, Parktheater Eindhoven, the Municipality of Eindhoven and with the cooperation of Brainport Eindhoven. Participation is open to organisations from every sector of business (both profit and non-profit) which employ at least 20 people and are located in the Eindhoven region. Within the context of ‘Happiness for Eindhoven’ [Geluk voor Eindhoven] – a week being organised around the theme happiness for the second successive year – we are posing the question: ‘Within the Eindhoven region, how happy are people in their work?' To find the answer to this question, Erasmus University Rotterdam – on the initiative of Fontys Hogescholen HRM & Psychology, Parktheater Eindhoven, the Municipality of Eindhoven and with the cooperation of Brainport Eindhoven – is undertaking a survey among organisations in the Eindhoven region.

Take part?

Taking part as an organisation is simple. Before 15 April 2016, you should indicate that your organisation wishes to participate by sending an email to: gelukkigwerkenineindhoven@fontys.nl under the reference ‘Working Happily in Eindhoven’. You will then be sent further information and instructions as to how your employees should complete the questionnaire.

Costs and return

The costs of participation vary with the number of employees in the organisation and include a final organisation-specific report:  

Number of employees in the organisation

Costs including the final report

Minimum response for a representative measurement


€   500,--



€   750,--



€ 1.000,--


200  or more

€ 1.250,--


In return, each participating organisation will receive a report of the survey’s findings in September 2016. This report will also include an organisation-specific report about the level of happiness within your organisation in comparison to other participating organisations. If required, the researchers from Erasmus University Rotterdam will visit your organisation to present and explain the results.

The participating organisations are responsible for ensuring a sufficient number of their employees complete the questionnaire. The EHERO researchers will inform the participating organisations as soon as the number of questionnaires completed is sufficient for the level of happiness to be measured.

Naturally, participation, the organisation-specific report and the answers from individual employees will be treated with the utmost confidentiality and not be made public.

Objective of the survey

To consider levels of happiness at work, to provide insights into what influence employment conditions have on employees’ feelings of happiness, and to understand which organisations in the Eindhoven region have the relatively happiest employees, and, in particular, why that is the case. If you have any questions about the survey, please contact Emma Pleeging of EHERO via pleeging@ese.eur.nl.

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