
Role, composition and organization

The Education Committee Research Masters (ECRM) provides solicited and unsolicited advice to the Dean, the Director of Education and the Course Directors on all matters concerning the quality of education of the research master courses (RMs) taught at Erasmus MC. The ECRM aims to promote, safeguard and improve the quality of the Erasmus MC RM education programs.

The duties of the ECRM are registered in Dutch law under the Higher Education and Scientific Research Act (WHW). As of 1 September 2017, the ECRM was given right of approval for part of the teaching and examination regulations (TER). In the academic year 2018-2019, the ECRM took on a new role in the assessment and monitoring of projects financed by the Higher Education Quality Agreements (HoKa)

The ECRM consists of 5 faculty members and 5 student members, representing the 5 Erasmus MC RM courses. The ECRM is supported by a permanent Secretary. 

At the start of each academic year, the ECRM draws up an annual plan for its main activities during the course year. To ensure a consistent workflow and allow sufficient in-depth discussion on specific topics, the ECRM has 8 face-to-face meetings during the academic year. Examples of topics on which advice has been given previously can be found here. In addition to the activities described in the annual plan, there is room for urgent topics that may come up during the year. If you have an idea or suggestion, you can get in touch with the ECRM here.

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