ERMeCC Seminar: "A question of fairness. Disclosing embedded persuasive messages."

Tuesday 20 Nov 2018, 15:30 - 17:00
Polak 2-14
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We wish to invite you to a special ERMeCC Seminar taking place on Tuesday, 20th November in Polak 2-14 from 15:30 to 17:00. It is titled "A question of fairness. Disclosing embedded persuasive messages" and will be presented by Brigitte Naderer from the University of Vienna.

We are confronted with persuasive messages via different channels, in different situations and – due to the increasing use of hybrid and embedded advertising formats like native advertising, advergames, influencer marketing and product placements – with varying degrees of transparency. Thus, consumer advocacy groups and public policy officials have raised the concern that it is not always possible for recipients to be aware of the persuasive intent of embedded persuasive messages. These interest groups advocate the right of the recipient to always know when marketers are influencing them. This talk will give an overview of the recent literature about the effects of disclosing embedded persuasive messages, and will discuss future research perspectives. 

Brigitte Naderer is a Post-Doctoral Researcher at the Department of Communication at the University of Vienna since 2017. She holds a PhD in Journalism and Communication Studies (2017) and a MA in Political Science. Her main research interests focus on advertising effects on children and the impact of product placements. Her dissertation entitled “The impact of product placements in children’s movies: Content, effects, and protective measures” was awarded with the top dissertation award of the Children, Adolescent and Media division of the International Communication Association (ICA) in 2018. Prior, Brigitte also received top student papers awards of the Mass Communication (2017) and Environmental Communication  (2016) divisions of ICA. PhD students are particularly encouraged to visit this seminar, and may ask Brigitte questions about the presented research and/or tips and tricks for pursuing a career in science. You can find more information about Brigitte’s research on  her website.

 Brigitte will visit ESHCC/ERMeCC from November 19th to 23rd for teaching and research purposes. If you want to schedule an individual meeting to discuss joint research interests and/or the possibilities for collaboration, please reach out to Sanne Opree and she will arrange this for you.

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